

作者:張重昭 引用關係黃麗霞沈致瑋
作者(外文):Chang, Chung-chauHuang, Li-shiaShen, Chih-wei
主題關鍵詞:資訊搜尋喚醒組數知覺風險產品經驗產品知識Information searchEvoked setPerceived riskProduct experienceProduct knowledge
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External information search plays a very important role in the process of consumer purchase decision. This study proposes a model of the antecedents of external information search. The hypotheses were tested with empirical data drawn from motorcycle buyers. Consumer experiences were specified by the amount of past purchases and prior product satisfaction. The results showed that the relationship between the amount of past purchases and information search was not significant. Prior product satisfaction would decrease information search by decreasing search benefits and evoked sets, and at the same time increase information search by increasing perceived risks. Product knowledge was classified under knowledge uncertainty, choice uncertainty, and product interest. Knowledge uncertainty would decrease information search by decreasing search benefits. Choice uncertainty and product interest would increase information search by increasing evoked sets. Managerial implications and future research are also addressed.
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