

作者:潘小慧 引用關係
作者(外文):Pan, Hsiao Huei
主題關鍵詞:多瑪斯德行正義義德分配正義交換正義Tomas aquinasVirtueJusticeDistributive justiceCommutative justice
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     多瑪斯跟隨亞里斯多德對「正義」╱「義德」的看法,並接受羅馬法學家的見解,界說「正義」╱「義德」為:「一種將每個人的權利歸諸於每個人身上之恆常而不變的意志的習慣。」本文則進一步探討多瑪斯的正義╱義德之組成部分。按照多瑪斯,他將正義╱義德之組成部分從三方面著眼:第一,正義╱義德組成之「主要的部分」(the subject parts),也即是「正義的種類」(the species of justice),於此指出「分配正義」與「交換正義」兩種正義;第二,「擬似絕對必要的部分」(the quasi-integral parts),也就是「行善」和「減低惡」(「惡」指「對反的惡行」);第三,「擬似潛能的部分」(the quasi-potential parts),就是與正義╱義德相關聯的德行,多瑪斯歸納出九項。
     Aquinas followed Aristotle's views about "justice" and accepted the idea of Romanists, defining "justice" as: justice is a habit whereby a man renders to each one his due/right by a constant and perpetual will. This paper is intended to further explore the constituents of Aquinas's "justice." Aquinas saw the constituents of justice in three different lights: first, the subject parts of the constitution of justice, that is, the species of justice, here pointing to distributive justice and commutative justice; second, the quasi-integral parts, that is, doing good and reducing vice (as opposed to good); and third, the quasi-potential parts, which are the nine virtues associated with justice that Aquinas induced.
1.潘小慧(2003)。多瑪斯論「義德」之對象與性質。哲學論集,36,1-34。new window  延伸查詢new window
1.Aristoteles(1975)。Ethica Nicomachea。Ethica Nicomachea。臺北。  new window
2.Aristotle。Metaphysics。  new window
3.Cicero, Marcus Tullius。De invent。De invent。  new window
4.Aristotle(1979)。亞里斯多德宜高邁倫理學。亞里斯多德宜高邁倫理學。臺北。  延伸查詢new window
5.Saint Thomas Aquinas、Fathers of English Dominican Province(1946)。Summa Theologica。New York:Benziger Brothers。  new window
6.St. Thomas Aquinas(1961)。Summa Theologica。Madrid:Biblioteca de Aotores Cristianos。  new window
7.St. Thomas Aquinas(1924)。Summa Theologica。Parisiis:Sumptibus P. Lethielleux。  new window
8.Augustine。Ep. Ad Maced。Ep. Ad Maced。  new window
9.Augustine。Ep. Ad Hieron。Ep. Ad Hieron。  new window
10.Augustine。De Correp et Grat.。De Correp et Grat.。  new window
11.蔡焜霖(2000)。牛津當代大辭典。牛津當代大辭典。臺北。  延伸查詢new window
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