| 期刊論文1. | Cash, T. F.(1994)。Body image and weight changes in a multisite comprehensive very-low-calorie diet program。Behavior Therapy,25,239-254。 | 2. | Cash, Thomas F.、Counts, Brenda、Huffine, Christopher E.(1990)。Current and vestigial effects of overweight among women: Fear of fat, attitudinal body image, and eating behaviors。Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment,12,157-167。 | 3. | Cash, T. F.、Winstead, B. W.、Janda, L. H.(1986)。The great American shape-up: Body image survey report。Psychology Today,20(4),30-37。 | 4. | Brown, T. A.、Cash, T. F.、Lewis, R. J.(1989)。Body-image disturbances in adolescent female binge-purgers: A brief report of the results of a national survey in the U.S.A.。Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry,30,605-613。 | 5. | Cash, T. F.(1991)。Binge-eating and body images among the obese: A further evaluatio。Journal of Social Behavior and Personality,6,367-376。 | 6. | Cash, T. F.(1993)。Body-image attitudes among obese enrollees in a commercial weight-loss program。Perceptual and Motor Skills,77,1099-1103。 | 7. | Cash, T. F.、Henry, P. E.(1995)。Women's body images: The results of a national survey in the U.S.A.。Sex Roles,33,19-28。 | 8. | Cash, T. F.、Jacobi, L.(1992)。Looks aren't everything (to everybody): The strength of ideals of physical appearance。Journal of Social Behavior and Personality,7,621-630。 | 9. | Cash, T. F.、Wood, K. C.、Phelps, K. D.、Boyd, K.(1991)。New assessments of weight-related body-image derived from extant instruments。Perceptual and Motor Skills,75,235-241。 | 10. | Drewnowski, A.、Yee, D. K.(1987)。Man and body image: Are males satisfied with their body weight?。Psychosomatic Medicine,49,626-634。 | 11. | Jacobi, L.、Cash, T. F.(1994)。In pursuit of the perfect appearance: Discrepancies among self- and ideal-percepts of multiple physical attributes。Journal of Applied Social Psychology,24,379-396。 | 12. | Noles, S. W.、Cash, T. F.、Winstead, B. A.(1985)。Body image, physical attractiveness, and depression。Journal of Consulting and Clinical psychology,53(1),88-94。 | 13. | Rieves, L.、Cash, T. F.(1996)。Social development factors and women’s body-image attitudes。Journal of Social Behavior and Personality,11(1),63-79。 | 14. | Rucker, C. E.、Cash, T. F.(1992)。Body images, body-size perceptions, and eating behaviors among African-American and White college women。International Journal of Eating Disorders,12,291-300。 | 15. | Cash, Thomas F.、Szymanski, Marcela L.(1995)。The development and validation of the body-image Ideals Questionnaire。Journal of Personality Assessment,64(3),466-477。 | 16. | Keeton, W. P.、Cash, T. F.、Brown, T. A.(1990)。Body image or body images: Comparative, multidimensional assessment among college students。Journal of Personality Assessment,54(1/2),213-230。 | 17. | Berscheid, E.、Walster, E.、Bohrnstedt, G.(197311)。Body image. The happy American body: A survey report。Psychology Today,7,119-131。 | 18. | Cash, T. F.、Green, G. K.(1986)。Body weight and body image among college women: Perception and cognition, and affect。Journal of Personality Assessment,50(2),290-301。 | 19. | Cash, T. F.、Hicks, K. L.(1990)。Being fat versus thinking fat: Relationships with body image, eating behaviors, and well-being。Cognitive Therapy and Research,14,327-341。 | 20. | Cash, Thomas F.、Ancis, Julie R.、Strachan, Melissa D.(1997)。Gender Attitudes, Feminist Identity, and Body Images among College Women。Sex Roles,36(7/8),433-447。 | 21. | Cash, T. F.、Brown, T. A.(1989)。Gender and body images: Stereotypes and realities。Sex Roles,21(5/6),361-373。 | 會議論文1. | Winstead, B. A.、Cash, T. F.(1984)。Reliability and validity of the body-self relations questionnaire: A new measure of body image。Meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association。New Orleans, LA。 | 學位論文1. | Chia, W. L.(2000)。The relationship of adolescent body image between self-esteem and social factors(碩士論文)。Chinese Culture University,Taipei。 | 2. | Hung, C. C.(2001)。The relationship between the sex role and body image in college(碩士論文)。Providence University,Taichung County。 | 3. | Lin, Y. C.(1998)。Study of the body image and dietary restraint in adolescence(碩士論文)。National Taiwan Normal University,Taipei。 | 4. | Wang, L. C.(2000)。Body images of junior high school students in Taichung(碩士論文)。National Taiwan Normal University,Taipei。 | 5. | Wu, L. N.(1999)。The body image and exercise behavior of vocational school students in Taipei(碩士論文)。National Taiwan Normal University,Taipei。 | 6. | Yu, Y. Y.(2001)。The study of somatotype and body image related factors among the students in Chung Yuan Christian University(博士論文)。National Taiwan Normal University,Taipei。 | 圖書1. | Wolf, Naomi(1991)。The Beauty Myth: How Images of Beauty Are Used Against Women。William Morrow and Company。 | 2. | Cash, Thomas F.、Pruzinsky, Thomas(1990)。Body images: Development, deviance, and change。Guilford Press。 | 3. | Cheng, A. E.、Chang, Y. C.(2003)。Killer application in marketing。Taiwan:Perusal Trend。 | 4. | Yates, A.(1991)。Compulsive exercise and the eating disorders: Toward an integrated theory of activity。New York:Brunner:Mazel。 | 5. | Kline, Rex B.(1998)。Principles and Practice of Structural Equation Modeling。Guilford Press。 | 6. | Cash, T. F.(2000)。MBSRQ users' manual。Norfolk, VA:Cash, T. F.。 | 圖書論文1. | Byrne, B. M.(1998)。tructural equation models: The basics。Structural equation modeling with LISREL, PRELIS, and SIMPLIS: Basic concepts, applications, and programming。Mahwah, NJ:Lawrence Erlbaum Associations。 | 2. | Tabachnick, B. G.、Fidell, L. S.(2001)。Structural equation modeling。Using multivariate statistics。Boston:Allyn & Bacon。 | 3. | Browne, Michael W.、Cudeck, Robert(1993)。Alternative ways of assessing model fit。Testing Structural Equation Models。Sage。 | |