

書刊名:花蓮教育大學學報. 教育類
作者:劉明洲 引用關係周慧蘭楊倍箕
作者(外文):Liu, Ming-chouChou, Hui-lanYang, Pei-chi
主題關鍵詞:數位典藏九年一貫教學資訊融入教學教學模式Digital archivesICT educationTeaching modelEvaluation
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1.Liu, M. C.(2001)。User Centered Requirements: A Systematic Web Course Developing Process。Educational Technology,41(6),15-22。  new window
2.Liu, M. C.(1997)。A Study of The Theoretical Design of Computer Assisted Learning Authoring System (CALAS)。International Journal of The Humanities,7,55-68。  new window
3.Gladney, H. M.(1998)。Digital Access to Antiquities。Communications of the ACM,41(4),49-57。  new window
4.Creed, T.、Plank, K.(1998)。Seven principles for good course Web Site design。The National Teaching and Learning Forum,7(3),8-10。  new window
5.劉明洲(19980600)。遠距教學之建置與效益評估。資訊與教育,65,31-38。  延伸查詢new window
6.王梅玲(20000800)。廿一世紀圖書館與資訊服務新角色以及專業人員能力初探。玄奘學報,2,193-230。  延伸查詢new window
1.白亦方、鄭兆喻(2004)。數位典藏融入教學活動設計之歷程探究。2004教育資訊國際學術研討會,佛光大學人文社會學院教育資訊研究所 。宜蘭:佛光大學。  延伸查詢new window
2.白亦方(2005)。台灣資訊課程的歷史分析。第七屆兩岸三地課程理論研討會:課程發展、教師專業發展與學校更新,香港中文大學教育研究所 (主辦) 。香港:香港中文大學教育研究所。  延伸查詢new window
3.Duchatel, P.、Turcotte, S.(1996)。On-line learning and teaching in an information-rich context。The 1996 Internet Conference of the Internet。Montreal。  new window
4.劉明洲、周慧蘭(2005)。應用數位典藏內容於中小學九年一貫教學模式之探討。數位典藏資訊融入教學研討會。臺北:國立台灣大學。57-75。  延伸查詢new window
1.Moursund, D. G(2003)。Project-based learning in an information technology environment。Eugene, OR:ISTE。  new window
2.Wegerif, R.、Dawes, L.(2004)。Thinking and learning with ICT: Raising achievement in primary classrooms。London:Routledge Falmer。  new window
3.Wiles, Jon、Bondi, Joseph、陳麗華、吳麗君、黃永和、詹惠雪、葉興華(2003)。課程發展實務導引。台北:雙葉。  延伸查詢new window
4.Nielsen, J.(1998)。Designing Web site with authority: Secrets of an information architect。Indianapolis:New Riders Pubs。  new window
5.McPherson, M.、Nunes, M. B.(2004)。Developing innovation in online learning: An action research framework。London:RoutledgeFalmer。  new window
6.Hackbarth, S.(1996)。The educational technology handbook: A comprehensive guide-Process and products of learning。Englewood Cliffs, NJ:Educational Technology Pubs。  new window
7.Cunningham, C. A.、Billingsley, M.(2003)。Curriculum Webs: A Practical Guide to Weaving the Web into Teaching and Learning。NY:Allyn & Bacon。  new window
8.Cotton, E. G.(2000)。The Online Classroom: Teaching with the Internet。IN:EdInfo Press。  new window
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10.王文科(1988)。課程與教學評量。台北:五南圖書。  延伸查詢new window
11.Pappas, M. L.、Tepe, A. E.(2002)。Pathways to knowledge and inquiry learning。Greenwood Village, CO:Teacher Ideas Press。  new window
12.Hanna, Donald E.、Glowacki-Dudka, M.、Conceicao-Runlee, S.(2000)。147 Practical Tips for Teaching Online Groups。Madison, WI:Atwood Publishing。  new window
13.Dick, W.、Carey, L.(1996)。The Systematic Design of Instruction。Glenview, IL:New York:Scott, Foresman and Co.:Harper Collins College Publishers。  new window
14.張春興、林清山(1989)。教育心理學。東華書局。  延伸查詢new window
1.數位典藏國家型計畫(2004)。九年一貫資訊融入教學數位典藏資源介紹與運用,http://dlm.ntu.edu.tw/dlm/92NDAP/teacher/92teacher_workshop/Li/LIS.doc。  延伸查詢new window
2.Smith, L.(2000)。Building the Digital Museum: A National Resource for the Learning Age,http://www.mda.org.uk/digitalmuseums.pdf, 2004/10/02。  new window
1.Tomei, L. A.(2003)。Technology in the technology classroom。Challenges of teaching with technology across the curriculum: Issues and solutions。London:InfoSci。  new window
2.Reeves, T. C.、Reeves, P. M.(1997)。Effective dimensions of interactive learning on the World Wide Web。Web-Based Instruction。Englewood Cliffs, NJ:Educational Technology Pubs。  new window
3.Raisinghani, M. S.(2003)。Web-based education in the 21st century: A Transaction perspective。Web-based Education: Learning from Experience。London:Information Science Publishing。  new window
4.Nichols, G. W.(1997)。Formative evaluation of Web-based instruction。Web-Based Instruction。Englewood Cliffs, NJ:Educational Technology Pubs。  new window
5.Kennewell, S.(2003)。Developing an ICT capacity for learning。Learning in School, Home, and Community: ICT for Early and Elementary Education。Boston:Kluwer academic publishers。  new window
6.Evensen, D. H.(2000)。Observing self-directed learners in a problem-based learning context: Two case studies。Problem-based learning: A research perspective on learning interactions。Mahwah, NJ:Lawrence Erlbaum Associates。  new window
7.Baker, E. L.、Herman, J. L.(2003)。A distributed evaluation model。Evaluating educational technology: Effective research designs for improving learning。NY:Teachers College。  new window
8.Agostino, V. R.(2003)。Technology in the social studies classroom。Challenges of teaching with technology across the curriculum: Issues and solutions。London:InfoSci。  new window
9.Means, B.、Haertel, G. D.、Moses, L.(2003)。Evaluating the effects of learning technologies。Evaluating educational technology: Effective research designs for improving learning。NY:Teachers College。  new window
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