

作者(外文):Chen, Kuo-chiaChen, Chia-shiangPing, Yu-cheng
主題關鍵詞:全球化策略策略群組經營績效Global strategyStrategic groupsBusiness performance
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企業藉由國外投資以獲取更大的市場或經濟資源,據以提升企業競爭優勢及成長,才符合臺灣企業專精於製造與代工出口的經營體質所需 。而企業為了因應非經濟因素及全球經營環境遽變的影響,應採取何種全球化策略來維持企業競爭優勢是當務之急。因此,本研究使用策略群 組觀點探討不同全球化策略,並比較不同全球化策略的績效差異,以建構出最適全球化策略。 根據對62家具有全球化投資經驗(含大陸投資)企業的研究發現:1.依據企業策略執行相似性,可明顯劃分不同性質的全球化策略;2.有 四個重要策略群組劃分構面--成本控制、技術與市場開發能力、產品差異化及垂直整合等來劃分臺灣企業全球化策略群組;3.最適的全球化策 略著重於特定市場利基策略,因為它在各項績效指標上皆優於其他全球化策略。
Enterprises in Taiwan strive to expand either their markets or economical resources through foreign investments while maintaining corporate growth and competitive advantage in order to satisfy the characteristics, which are manufacturing expertise and labor exportation, of Taiwanese enterprises. But with the government investment policy in China and the drastic change in the global business environment, there is a sense of urgency on the industries to choose a global strategy that is most appropriate in order to maintain their competitive edge. As a result, this study will explore the most suitable global strategy from the strategic groups' perspective and compare the discrepancies between different global strategies. This study will target 62 domestic firms, including those investing in China, currently executing global strategy. Research discoveries include: 1. From a strategic groups' perspective we can separate prominent global strategies from the others based on the similarities between strategy executions; 2. Discovery of four important strategic group division factors--cost control, the ability to develop market and skills, product Differentiation, and vertical integration; and 3. The most suitable global strategy is specific market niche strategy. Because It surpasses other global strategies significantly in every performance indexs.
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