

作者(外文):Jiang, Jau-Bin
主題關鍵詞:多式聯運附合運送承攬運送第三方物流無船運送人商人法介入權Multimodal transportFreight forwarder3PLNVOCCUNCITRAL/CML draft instrument on transport lawLex mercatoria
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由於多式聯運的跨國性與普遍性,涉及多種運送方式,加上原本各單式運送公約與各國內國法不同的責任制度交錯影響下,使得多式聯運人之責任過於複雜而迭生爭議。因此,多式聯運經營人責任制度有統一的必要,受到國際組織長年以來的密切關注。 本文從兩個層面探討多式聯運經營人之責任制度,一是「主體」,二是「責任制度」。主體方面,多式聯運除了由實際從事運送之「實際運送人」經營外,承攬運送人可否成為多是聯運經營人,涉及承攬運送人本身可否成為運送人本人(契約運送人),抑或僅是託運人之代理人的爭議。本文試圖分析德、法、英、美等國家之立法例,以及國際貿易實務運作之現況。事實上,國際貿易實務亦逐漸承認由所謂「契約運送人」來經營,即承攬運送人或無船公共運送人。 確認主體之後,本文接著從理論與實務分別介紹「責任制度」。除了分析傳統五種責任制度之內容,以及目前實務運作現況外,本文另外介紹最新之理論:即「UNCITRAL/CMI運送法文件草案」(UNCITRAL/CMI Draft Instrument on Transport Law)創設的「限制網狀責任制」(Limited Network Liability System),並分析實務上接受的可能性。 最後,本文將會從多式聯運經營人的主體與責任制度兩方面檢討我國目前相關法令。尤其是對於承攬運送人作為多式聯運經營人主體,在臺灣法制上遭遇之障礙價加以批評,並提出修法建議。
Multimodal Transport Operator (MTO) plays a significant role in container transport. The liability system of MTO is always in dispute for decades until now. Therefore, the uniform of MTO's liability system is the main object of many international organizations, such as UNCITRAL, CMI, FLATA, and UNCTAD. This article makes an attempt to analyze and emphasize two topics of it: one is the “subject” of MTO, especically freight forwarder or NVOCC; the other is the theory and practice of liability system of MTO. Beside it analyzes five traditional theories, this article also introduce the recent development--“Limited Network Liability System”, which provided by UNCITRAL/CNI Draft Instrument on Transport Law, 2001, and tries to analyze the practicability of this new theory. Finally and most importantly, the point of this article is to commend on the relevant laws and regulations in Taiwan, especially some legal proglems of freight forwarding. As a result, this article also points out the barries of legal system, and provides the suggestions of deregulation in multimodal transport.
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