

作者(外文):Wang, David J. W.
主題關鍵詞:國際私法契約衝突規範普通法羅馬公約選法自由關係最密切特徵性履行Private international lawChoice-of-law rules in contractsCommon lawRome conventionFreedom of choiceThe closest connectionCharacteristic performance
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  • 被引用次數被引用次數:期刊(3) 博士論文(1) 專書(0) 專書論文(0)
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2.Lagarde, Paul(1981)。The European Convention on the Law Applicable to Contractual Obligations: An Apologia。Virginia Journal of International Law,22,91。  new window
3.Collins, Lawrence(1976)。Contractual Obligations--The Eec Preliminary Draft Convention on Private International Law。International and Comparative Law Quarterly,25(1),35-57。  new window
4.Pierce, David G.(1987)。Post-formation Choice of Law in Contract。Modern Law Review,50,176。  new window
5.Knofel, Susanne(1999)。Mandatory Rules and Choice of Law: A Comparative Approach to Article 7(2) of the Rome Convention。Journal of Business Law,1999,239。  new window
6.Williams, Patrick Ross(1896)。The EEC Convention on the Law Applicable to Contractual Obligations。International and Comparative Law Quarterly,35,1。  new window
7.Jaffey, Anthony J. E.(1984)。The English Proper Law Doctrine and the EEC Convention。The International and Comparative Law Quarterly,33(3),531-557。  new window
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9.Mann, F. A.(1991)。The Proper Law of the Contract-An Obituary。THE Law QUARTERLY Review,107,353。  new window
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11.Juenger, Friedrich K.(1981)。The European Convention on the Law Applicable to Contractual Obligations: Some Critical Observations。Virginia Journal of International Law,22,123。  new window
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20.O'Brien, John(1999)。Conflict of Laws。London:Cavendish Publishing。  new window
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1.Mann, F. A.(1983)。Book Reviews。  new window
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2.Kahn-Freund, O.(1976)。General Problems of Private International Law。Sijthoff。  new window
3.Jayme, Erik(1990)。The Rome Convention on the Law Applicable to Contractual Obligations。International Contracts and Conflict of Laws: A Collection of Essays。Graham:Trotman:Martinus Nijhoff。  new window
4.McLachlan, Campbell(1990)。Splitting the Proper Law in Private International Law。British Yearbook of International Law。  new window
5.王志文(1988)。論國際私法之立法化。國際私法論文集。台北:五南。new window  延伸查詢new window
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