

書刊名:高雄師大學報. 人文與藝術類
作者:曾榮梅 引用關係林漢裕 引用關係傅星惠
作者(外文):Tsen, Jung-meiLin, Han-yuFu, Hsing-hui
主題關鍵詞:已知與全新編排閱讀理解Given and newLayoutReading comprehension
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有些研究指出插圖可增加文字內容的趣味,吸引讀者的注意力,並幫助理解內容,但這些研究多探討角色、背景、和風格等方向,較少去探討圖與文的編排和讀者理解間的關係。因此本研究嘗試以Kress 和Leeuwen (1996) 提出的「已知和全新 (givenand new) 版面配置」的論點,作為探討此議題的基礎,Kress 和Leeuwen 分析一頁面中兩個圖像的關係,並且定義左邊的圖像代表「已知」的訊息,是讀者、大眾已經知道的訊息;右邊的圖像則是「全新」的觀點,是人們要去注意的新訊息。然而,Kress和Leeuwen 卻未提及文章內容的擺放位置,是否也可套用已知與全新的概念。有鑑於此,本研究將針對圖文並茂的現有文章,依據Kress 和Leeuwen 對已知與全新版面配置的定義,對內文做出四種不同樣式的編排,探討讀者在閱讀每一頁面後,是否會因為編排方式的不同,影響其閱讀理解能力。研究結果顯示,讀者對內文置於已知部分 (即左側),且在圖片位置之上方的編排類型,其閱讀理解能力較其他類型為佳。本研究結果期能對未來版面編排和其相關研究,提供參考。
Some researches showed that pictures could increase the interest of contents, attract readers' attention, and help them understand the words. Most of the researches focused much more on the roles, backgrounds, styles and so on, than on the relationship between the layout of pictures and words and readers' comprehension. Therefore, we tried to apply Kress and Leeuwen's view, the structure of Given and New, in our study. In this structure of Given and New, Kress and Leeuwen analyzed the relation between two pictures on one page. They defined the picture on the left side representing the "Given" information which is known by people, whereas the picture on the right side means the "New" information which people want to know. However, they didn't indicate that the layout of the contents of the words could be imitated in this structure. Therefore, with the four present articles with two pictures and the contents, we applied the structure to replace the contents in four different style layouts. We expected to know, after readers read one article, whether the layout could affect their comprehension. The result showed that the readers' reading comprehension is better when the content was placed on the given part (the left side) and above the picture. It is hoped that the result could improve the layout and its researches in the future.
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