

作者:林俊達黎俊彥 引用關係
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1.Bogaerts, A. C. G.、Delecluse, C.、Claessens, A. L.、Troosters, T.、Boonen, S.、Verschueren, S. M. P.(2009)。Effects of whole body vibration training on cardiorespiratory fitness and muscle strength in older individuals (a 1-year randomised controlled trial)。Age and Aging,38(4),448-454。  new window
2.Bruyere, Olivier、Wuidart, Marc-Antoine、Di Palma, Elio、Gourlay, Margaret、Ethgen, Olivier、Richy, Florent、Reginster, Jean-Yves(2005)。Controlled whole body vibration to decrease fall risk and improve health-related quality of life of nursing home residents。Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,86(2),303-307。  new window
3.Rees, S. S.、Murphy, A. J.、Watsford, M. L.(2008)。Effects of whole body vibration on postural steadiness in an older population。Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport,12(4),440-444。  new window
4.Bogaerts, A.、Delecluse, C.、Claessens, A. L.、Coudyzer, W.、Boonen, S.、Verschueren, S. M.(2007)。Impact of whole-body vibration training versus fitness training on muscle strength and muscle mass in older men : A 1-year randomized controlled trial。Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences,62(6),630-635。  new window
5.莊榮仁、相子元(20080900)。全身式震動對不同運動型態運動員的影響。大專體育學刊,10(3),123-135。new window  延伸查詢new window
6.莊榮仁、相子元、念裕祥(20081200)。不同頻率全身式垂直振動對運動員身體之響應。體育學報,41(4),29-41。new window  延伸查詢new window
7.Verschueren, S. M.、Roelants, M.、Delecluse, C.、Swinnen, S.、Vanderschueren, D.、Boonen, S.(2004)。Effect of 6-month whole body vibration training on hip density, muscle strength, and postural control in postmenopausal women: A randomized controlled pilot study。Journal of Bone and Mineral Research,19(3),352-359。  new window
8.蔡素蘭、林茂榮(20020800)。跌倒對臺灣鄉村社區老人日常生活活動能力衰退與害怕跌倒心理的影響。物理治療,27(4),155-164。  延伸查詢new window
9.Raimundo, A. M.、Gusi, N.、Tomas-Carus, P.(2009)。Fitness efficacy of vibratory exercise compared to walking in postmenopausal women。European Journal of Applied Physiology,106(5),741-748。  new window
10.Rehn, B.、Lidstrom, J.、Skoglund, J.、Lindstrom, B.(2007)。Effects on leg muscular performance from whole-body vibration exercise: a systematic review。Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports,17(1),2-11。  new window
11.林威秀、黎俊彥(20090300)。身體姿勢平衡控制與踝關節傷害發生風險。中華體育季刊,23(1)=88,65-72。new window  延伸查詢new window
12.蔡崇濱、顏克典(20070600)。振動刺激在提昇肌力表現的應用。中華體育季刊,21(2)=81,90-97。new window  延伸查詢new window
13.Delecluse, C.、Roelants, M.、Verschueren, S.(2003)。Strength increase after whole-body vibration compared with resistance training。Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise,35(6),1033-1041。  new window
14.Roelants, Machteld、Delecluse, Christophe、Verschueren, Sabine M.(2004)。Whole-Body-Vibration Training Increases Knee-Extension Strength and SPeed of Movement in Older Women。Journal of The American Geriatrics Society,52(6),901-908。  new window
15.趙叔蘋(2008)。改善高齡者步行能力之因素探討。中華體肓季刊,22(2),34-44。new window  延伸查詢new window
16.Bogaerts, A.、Verschueren, S.、Delecluse, C.、Claessens, A. L.、Boonen, S.(2007)。Effects of whole body vibration training on postural control older individuals : A 1 year randomized controlled trial。Gait &. Posture,26,309-316。  new window
17.Cardinale, M.、F. Rittweger, J.(2006)。Vibration exercise makes your muscles and bones stronger : fact or fiction?。Journal of the British Menopause Society,12(1),12-8。  new window
18.Cheung, W. H.、Mok, H. W.、Qin, L.、Sze, P. C.、Lee, K. M.、Leung, K. S.(2007)。Hight-frequency whole-body vibration improves balancing ability in elderly women。Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,88,852-857。  new window
19.Furness, T.、Maschette, W.(2009)。Influence of whole body vibration platform frequency on neuromuscular performance of community-dwelling older adults。Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research,23(5),1508-1513。  new window
20.Issurin, V. B.(2005)。Vibration and their applications in sports : A review。Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness,45,324-336。  new window
21.Norrbrand, L.、Fluckey, J. D.、Pozzo, M.、Tesch, P. A.(2008)。Resistance training using eccentric overload induces early adaptations in skeletal muscle size。European Journal of Applied Physiology,102(3),271-281。  new window
22.Rees, S. S.、Murphy, A. J.、Watsford, M. L.(2008)。Effects of whole-body vibration exercise on lower-extremity muscle strength and power in an older population : A randomized clinical trial。Physical Therapy,88(4),462-470。  new window
23.Roelants, M.、Verschueren, S. M. P.、Levin, O.、Stijnen, V.、Delecluse, C.(2006)。Whole-body-vibration-induced increase in leg muscle activity during different squat exercises。Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research,20(1),124-129。  new window
24.Schuhfried, O.、Mittermaier, C.、Jovanovic, T.、Pieber, K.、Tatjana, P. S.(2005)。Effects of whole-body vibration in patients with multiple sclerosis : A pilot study。Clinical Rehabilitation,19,834-842。  new window
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