

作者:陳俊興梁榮進 引用關係李雁隆 引用關係
作者(外文):Chen, Jyun-singLiang, Jung-chinLee, Yunn-long
主題關鍵詞:鏈鋸感性工學灰色理論專家系統Chain-sawKansei engineerGrey theoryExpert system
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The key component of a product design in the planning phase is the design to satisfying customers' needs and preferences. Starting from satisfying customers' psychological needs, this study aims to explore the relation between form elements and colors of a chain-saw via the Kansei engineering and the grey system theory. Kansei engineering is defined as a technology for transforming customer's perception into design elements. The grey system theory can be used to estimate the weighting influence of color variation of every assembly on product's image. With integration of these techniques, design can fully understand what customers think and make right decision in designing a good product. Finally, a color expert system is proposed in consideration of designer's usage. To illustrate the functions of the proposed design expert system, an example of the development of new chin-saw is demonstrated.
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