

作者(外文):Chiang, Shu-meiWang, Li-jyun
主題關鍵詞:金磚四國ARJI模型外溢效果次級房貸危機BRICsARJI modelSpillover effectSubprime mortgage crisis
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This study applies the ARJI model to examine the spillover effect of subprime mortgage crisis on the stock markets of BRICs. The empirical results indicate that the American stock market indeed has spillover effect on those of BRICs. Among them, the largest effect of the American stock market is on that of China. Besides, whenever there are important events occur, the jump intensities of the stock markets in the four countries are higher than their averages, showing that when there are innovations flowing into the market, the risks will increase temporary. However, in the long run, the risks that the investors face are not high because the market will finally back on track based. Further, as the highest (lowest) risk of stock market appear in Brazil (India), the investors should allocate more funds into the Indian market and lesser in Brazil to reduce investing risks when the investors and fund managers would like to invest in this area.
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