

作者(外文):Wu, Wei-hua
主題關鍵詞:紐約公約公共秩序善良風俗公共政策外國仲裁判斷之承認與執行New York ConventionOrdre publicGood moralsPublic policyRecognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards
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裁法第 38 條第 3 款規定,對於外國仲裁判斷審查之依據,則為
仲裁法第 49 條第 1 項第 1 款規定,兩者均應限縮及嚴格解釋,
且原則上均不要求仲裁庭正確認事用法。又仲裁法第 49 條第 1
項第 1 款所稱之「中華民國公共秩序或善良風俗」,與紐約公約
第 5 條第 2 項第(b)款之「公共政策」有所關聯,因此,國際
First paragraph(1) of Article 49 of ROC Arbitration Law stipulated,
“The court shall issue a dismissal with respect to an application submitted
by a party for recognition of a foreign arbitral award, if such award
contains one of the following elements:(1)Where the recognition or
enforcement of the arbitral award is contrary to the public order or good
morals of the Republic of China”, which was patterned after Article
V(2)(b)of New York Convention, “Recognition and enforcement of an
arbitral award may also be refused if the competent authority in the
country where recognition and enforcement is sought finds that:(b) The
recognition or enforcement of the award would be contrary to the public
policy of that country”. However, the concept of “public policy” is vague
and uncertain. Though there is general acceptance regarding public policy
on a conceptual level, conflicting views regarding the applicability of
public policy still diverse. In this paper, I will explore the application and
categories of such a concept in domestic and foreign occasions. A
comparative study of different courts’ interpretations will be examined. I
hope this paper will be helpful to our judge’s interpretation and
application with ROC Arbitration Law.
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