

作者:姚漢禱 引用關係王俊明 引用關係
作者(外文):Yau, Han-dau
主題關鍵詞:概化理論運動技能測驗概化研究決斷研究Generalizability theoryPsychomotor testGeneralizability studyDecision study
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     本研究的目的是:應用概化理論估計多層面變異來源的運動技能測驗。五十九位受 試者實施壘球打擊成績表現測驗。採受試者、試做次數和評分者等三個層面的重複設計,以電 腦程式GENOVA進行估計。概化研究的結果是: 一、測驗的真實變異佔總變異成份的22.15%。 二、「受試者和試做」交互作用的變異成份佔總變異的70.55%,為最主要的變異來源。 三、其餘的變異來源所佔的比率很小。決斷研究的結果發現:增加試做次數可以有效的提高概 化係數,而增加評分者人數對測驗的概化係數增加不多。 根據研究的結果提出兩點結論:1.多層面變異來源的運動技能測驗應用概化理論,可以得到整 體測驗的概化信度係數。2.概化研究可以了解各種變異來源佔總變異成份的比率,依測驗使用 者的需求,決定最適當的測驗條件配置。
     The purpose of this study was to apply generalizability (G) theory deciding the criterion for trials-to-criterion tests in the psychomotor test. The subjects were three trials-to-criterion tests. The object of measurement is subjects variance. The designs of this study are a one-facet crossed-design. We approach different sources of score variation (subjecs, criterion and interaction) and the phi coefficient of multiple criterion by using a GENeral purpose analysis Of Variance system (GENOVA). The conclusion were: 1. The true variance of tests are acceptable and the percentage of total variance are from 12.5 to 16.1%. 2. The criterion variance of tests are small. They are from 0.0 to 2.2% in the percentage of total variance. Therefore, it is very similar between G coefficient and phi coefficient. 3. The main soure of variation is residual error of test. They are from 81.7 to 87.5%. 4. The trials-to-criterion tests of psychomotor test are: (1) From 6 to 7 attempts of criterion yield mediocre levels of estimated phi coefficient. (2) From 21 to 28 attempts of criterion yield reasonable levels of estimated phi coefficient.
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1.姚漢禱(1995)。應用概化理論判斷達到標準型式測驗的標準--桌球技能測驗為例。中華民國84年度大專體育學術研討會。陸軍官校。  延伸查詢new window
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1.Shavelson, Richard J.、Webb, Noreen M.(1991)。Generalizability Theory: A Primer。Newbury Park, California:Sage。  new window
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