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1.Sanders, C. M.(1981)。Comparison of Younger and Older Spouses in Bereavement Outcome。Omega: Journal of Death and Dying,11,217-232。  new window
2.Lundin, T.(1984)。Morbidity following sudden and unexpected bereavement。British Journal of Psychiatry,144,84-88。  new window
3.Kalish, R. A.、Reynolds, D. K.(1977)。The Role of Age in Death Attitudes。Death Education,1,205-230。  new window
4.Pickard, S.(1994)。Life After a Death: The Experience of Bereavement in South Wale。Aging and Society,14,191-217。  new window
5.Raphael, B.、Nunn, K.(1988)。Counseling the Bereaved。Journal of Social Issues,44(3),191-206。  new window
6.Rando, T. A.(1983)。An Investigation of Grief and Adaptation in Parents Whose Children Have Died From Cancer。Journal of Pediatric Psychology,8,3-20。  new window
7.Sanders, C. M.(1988)。Risk Factors in Bereavement Outcome。Journal of Social Issues,44(3),97-111。  new window
8.Rosenblatt, P. C.(1988)。Grief: The Social Context of Private Feelings。Journal of Social Issues,44(3),67-78。  new window
9.黃鳳英(1995)。喪親者之悲傷與哀悼歷程。中華安寧照顧學報。  延伸查詢new window
1.Tagliaferre, L.、Harbaugh, G. L.(1990)。Recovery from loss: A personalized guide to the grieving process。Deerfield Beach, FL:Heath Communications, Inc.。  new window
2.Bowlby, J.(1979)。The Making & Breaking of Affection Bonds。London:Tavistock Publications。  new window
3.Bowlby, J.(1969)。Attachment and Loss。Basic Books。  new window
4.Ashton, J.、Ashton, D.(1996)。Loss and Grief Recovery: Help Caring for Children with Disabilities, Chronic or Terminal Illness。New York:Baywood Publishing Company, Inc.。  new window
5.Aiken, L. R.(1991)。Dying, Death, and Bereavement。Boston:Allyn and Bacon。  new window
6.Cox, H. G.(1993)。Later Life--The Realities of Aging。Englewood Cliffs, N J:Prentice Hall。  new window
7.Cook, A. S.、Oltjenbruns, K. A.(1989)。Dying and Grieving: Lifespan and Family Perspectives。New York:Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc.。  new window
8.Burnell, G. M.、Burnell, A. L.(1989)。Clinical Management of Bereavement: A Handbook for Healthcare Professionals。New York:Human Science Press, Inc。  new window
9.Bright, B.(1996)。Grief and Powerlessness: Helping People Regain Control of Their Lives。London:Jessica Kingsley Publishers。  new window
10.Kalish, R. A.(1985)。Death, Grief, and Caring Relationship。California, Belmont:Wadsworth, Inc.。  new window
11.Humphry, D.、Wickett, A.(1986)。The Right of Die。New York:Harper & Row。  new window
12.Marris, P.(1974)。Loss and Change。London:Routledge Kegan Paul。  new window
13.Margolis, O. S.、Raether, H. C.、Klagsbrun, A. H.、Marcus, E.、Pine, V. R.、Cherico, D. J.、Kutscher, L. G.(1985)。Loss, Grief, and Bereavement--A Guide for Counseling。N. Y.:Praeger Publishers。  new window
14.Kastenbaum, R. J.(1995)。Death, Society, and Human Experience。Boston:Allyn and Bacon。  new window
15.Parkes, C. M .(1996)。Bereavement: Studies of Griefin Adult Life。London:Tavistock Publications。  new window
16.Parkes, C. M.、Weiss, R.(1991)。Attachment Across the Life Cycle。London:New York:Tavistock/Routledge。  new window
17.Parkes, C. M.、Weiss, R.(1983)。Recovery From Bereavement。New York:Basic Books。  new window
18.Raphael, B.(1983)。The Anatomy of Bereavement。New York:Basic Books。  new window
19.Peterson, J. A.、Briley, M. P.(1977)。Widows and Widowhood。Chicago:Follett Publishing Company。  new window
20.Parkes, C. M.、Laungani, P.、Young, B.(1997)。Introduction Death and Bereavement Across Cultures。London:Routedge。  new window
21.Sanders, C. M.(1989)。Grief: The Mourning A fter Dealing With Adult Bereavement。New York:John Wiley & Sons。  new window
22.Rosenblatt, P. C.、Walsh, R. P.、Jackson, D. A.(1976)。Grief and Mourning in Cross Cultural Perspective。New Haven, Conn:Human Relations Area Files Press。  new window
23.李開敏、Worden, J. W.(1995)。悲傷輔導與悲傷治療。台北:心理出版社。  延伸查詢new window
24.Stedeford, A.(1984)。Facing Death--Patients, Families and Professionals。London:William Heinemann Medical Books Ltd.。  new window
25.Silverman, P. R.(1981)。Helping Women Cope With Grief。Beverly Hills:Sage Publication。  new window
26.陳文棋、Steams, Ann Kaiser(1990)。失落感。台北:遠流出版公司。  延伸查詢new window
27.Kastenbaum, R. J.(1992)。The Psychology of Death。New York:Springer。  new window
28.黃天中(1988)。臨終關懷--死亡態度之研究。臺北:業強出版社。  延伸查詢new window
29.Bowlby, J.(1980)。Attachment and Loss--Volume III Loss Sadness and Depression。New York:Basic Books, Inc.。  new window
1.Faletti, M. V.、Gibbs, J. M.、Clark, M. C.、Pruchno, R. A.、Berman, E. A.(1989)。Longitudinal course of bereavement in older adults。Older bereaved spouses--Research with practical applications。New York:Hemispher。  new window
2.Kastenbaum, R. J.(1991)。Bereavement, Grief, and Mourning。Death, Society, and Human Experience。Macmillan Publishing Company。  new window
3.Kalish, R. A.(1976)。The Social Context of Death and Dying。Handbook of Aging and The Social Sciences。New York:Van Nostrand Reinhold Company。  new window
4.Murray, C. I.(1994)。Death, Dying, and Bereavement。Families and Change--Coping With Stressful Events。London:Thousand Oaks SagePublications。  new window
5.Twining, C.(1988)。Taking Leave: Dying and Bereavement。Helping Older People: A Psychological Approach。New York:John Wiley & Sons。  new window
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