

作者(外文):Tang, Shung-ming
主題關鍵詞:網路服務業行銷策略關鍵因素行銷績效Marketing strategyNetwork services industryMarketing efficiency
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     本文目的是建立網路服務業行銷策略決策因素與續效的結構模式,並且加以驗證。 首先,我們基於文獻探討與專家訪談,以邏輯推理推導出結構模式,並且依模式與文獻理論 基礎推論導出研究假設。驗證時採用實證研究,以中華徵信所資料庫的全4國74家網路服務 業作為研究母群體,同時作為研究樣本,以郵寄問卷,收集原始資料,然後運用變異數分析 與典型相關分析進行資料分析,以驗證研究假設,並且分析討論研究發,發掘研的隱含性貢 獻。本文包括產品、價格、促銷、通路四個理論構面的研究發現,以及具體建議,可以提供 網路服務業擬訂行銷策略時參考,具有實質的貢獻。
     The purpose of this article is to create and verify the research model and hypothesis. First, we use exploratory study to create structured model and inference out research hypothesis based on literatu5re review and expert interview. Secondly, we use the empirical research to verify our structured model and hypothesis. The population is 474 Network services industry in Taiwan. Sampling method use the population as research sample. Finally, we use multivariate analysis and Canonical correlation analysis to verify the research model and hypothesis. The results suggest that the proposed model offer the enterprises a model to plan, to design, to manage and to evaluate their own marketing strategy.
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