

題名:El Transporte de la Negaciόn
作者:王鶴巘 引用關係
作者(外文):Wang, Carlos
主題關鍵詞:雙重否定中文西班牙文英文Doble negaciόnChinoEspañolInglésNegative transportationChineseEnglishSpanish
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本篇論文是在探討否定的變位。例如西班牙文Creo que él no vendrá(我認為他不會來)在這句話裏,否定的字「no」它是位在名詞子句裏面。另外一句話No creo que él venga(我不認為他會來),否定的字「no」則被提升到句首。從第一句話到第二句話,否定的字「no」位置的轉換我們把它稱之為否定的變位。但是,並不是所有的動詞都適用於否定的變位,而這也是本篇論文所要探討的地方。 我們認為若是從語意方面來探討否定的變位,那麼中文、英文、西班牙文都具有此一特色。但是若是從句法方面來看,只有英文、西班牙文才有否定變位這項語法現象。因為中文它在形態學上不像西班牙文有單數、複數,陽性、陰性之分,在句法上也不像西班牙文有十四個時態,特別是陳述式和虛擬式的使用,讓否定變位的探討內容更加豐富。另外,我們發現中文、英文、西班牙文和德文表示「認為」此一意義的動詞都可以接受否定變位的句型。這點可以視為語法共同現象。P. Kiparsky y C. Kiparsky (1973)建議把動詞分成「述實動詞」與「非述實動詞」,事實上,只有大多數的「非述實動詞」可以產生否定變位此一語法現象。最後,我們認為單從語意和句法方面來探討否定的變位,有時無法清楚地說明為什麼有些動詞可以接受否定的變位,有些則否。因此有必要尋找其原因,而語用學則為我們提供了合理的解釋。
The present paper is a study about the negative transportation, or neg-raising (NR), among the Spanish, English, and Chinese languages. The neg-raising phenomenon is generally taken to be a rule in which a negative element from a lower clause is raised up over a predicate. To put it an Otto Jespersen's words, NR is "the strong tendency in many languages to attract to the main verb a negative which should logically belong to the dependent nexus" (1917, p. 53). For example, a sentence like I don't think it's going to rain (No creo que vaya a llover) is perceptibly weaker than that in its nontransported congener: I think it's not going to rain (Creo que no va a llover). In searching for the principles which cause NR, we find that both syntactic and semantic explanations of neg-raising are untenable, indecisive and theoretically or empirically dubious. However, the pragmatics to a certain extent could offer an appropriate explanation of the fundamental behavior of NR. P. Kiparsky y C. Kiparsky (1973) proposed a classification of two classes of verbs: factives and non-factives. Kiparsky' recognition is correct in claiming that non-factives are neg-raising triggers, while factives are universally excluded from ranks of potential neg-raising. On the other hand, verbs like 'creer' in Spanish, 'think' in English, 'glauben' in German and '認為RЀN-WÉI' in Chinese can activate NR, and this could be regarded as an universal phenomenon in natural languages. It is probably impossible to write a concluding study on a contention and evolving subject like this one, but we hope that this study can provide readers a clear idea about the negative transportation in the mentioned three languages.
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