

作者(外文):Cheung, Siu Keung
主題關鍵詞:大中華帝國殖民主義後殖民主義國族主義後國族主義城市眾生Chinese empireCityMultitudePost-colonialismColonialismPost-nationalismNationalism
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當「九七回歸」現已廣被視為「事實」之時,這就有着日形急迫的需要回到問題的根本,重新檢視就裏。究竟此一所謂「事實」是怎麼樣的一回事?它真的已把那些曾是香港的現在成為香港的過去嗎?它又真的已把那些本屬香港的未來成為香港的現在嗎?它的時空意義是在於回復原本還是重新開始?它確實具有重大的時空意義還是根本沒有任何的時空意義?透過述評羅永生的《殖民無間道》以及好些新近的後九七香港研究,本文旨在借用撩撥式的 (provocative) 文字,打亂好些現有的常見陳述結構,從而保持「九七回歸」的問題性和爭議性,以便增進後九七香港局勢的省思空間。本文的論點是後九七香港的眾生勢將要繼續掙脫那似曾消失但其實在大中華帝國底下變本加厲的殖民時空。
While Hong Kong’s return to China since 1997 has been generally taken for granted, it is pressing to reflect upon its potential critical issues. What is the exact situation? Have it turned the present into the past and the future into the present in Hong Kong? Has there been a reduction to the original circumstances or an emergence of a new point of departure? Does it really entail significant consequential implications? Or does it entail no serious temporal implications at all? Through a critical review of Re-theorizing Colonial Power and other post-1997 Hong Kong studies, this article attempts to initiate a provocative discussion to challenge some prevailing discourses on post-1997 Hong Kong. The purpose of this article is to single out certain issues that remain mute but significant in the making of post-1997 Hong Kong. The general argument of this article is that the multitude in post-1997 Hong Kong still engage with the ex-colonial conjuncture that has been much amplified by the new post-national Chinese Empire.
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