

作者:陳韶華 引用關係黃艾君 引用關係王雅琴
主題關鍵詞:內皮細胞一氧化氮內皮素內皮素-1EndotheliumNitric oxideNOEndothelinETEndothelin-1ET-1
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1.Maeda, S.、Tanabe, T.、Miyauchi, T.、Otsuki, T.、Sugawara, J.、Iemitsu, M.(2003)。Aerobic exercise training reduces plasma endothelin-1 concentration in older women。Journal of Applied Physiology,95,336-341。  new window
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14.Maeda, S.、Miyauchi, T.、Iemitsu, M.、Sugawara, J.、Nagata, Y.、Goto, K.(2004)。Resistance exercise training reduces plasma endothelin-1 concentration in healthy young humans。Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology,44(1),S443-S446。  new window
15.Maeda, S.、Miyauchi, T.、Kakiyama, T.、Sugawara, J.、Iemitsu, M.、Irukayama-Tomobe, Y.(2001)。Effects of exercise training of 8 wk and detraining on plasma levels of endothelium-derived factors, endothelin-1 and nitric oxide, in healthy young humans。Life Sci,69,1005-1016。  new window
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