

作者:林惠芬 引用關係
作者(外文):Lin, Hui-fen
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     本研究旨在探討啟智教育教師之人格特質,研究對象係九十三位目前任教於啟智 班之啟智教育教師,同時並以三十四位普通班教師做為對照。研究所使用之工具為「麥比二 氏心理類型量表」。研究結果指出,就全體啟智班教師而言,其人格特質以「內向性格-知 覺求證-理性思考-實證判斷」型居多,與普通班教師相似。就性別因素考量時,不論是啟 智班或普通班,女性教師以「內向性格-知覺求證-理性思考-實證判斷」占最大多數,而 男性啟智教師是以「內向性格-知覺求證-理性思考-實證判斷」及「外向性格-知覺求證 -理性思考-實證判斷」兩種人數一樣多。至於普通班男性教師因人數過少,每一種人格特 質者僅有一人,因此看不出共通之特質。
     The purpose of this study was to identify the personality profiles of 93 teachers of the retarded together with 34 regular classroom teachers. The instrument used in this study was the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). Results indicated that the I-S-T-J profile described the majority of teachers either in special or regular education. In terms of the gender differences, both the I-S-T-J and E-S-T-J profiles described the male teachers of the retarded; while I-S-T-J profiles could best represent the female teachers of the retarded and of the regular classroom. There were no specific personality profiles for male regular classroom teachers to be found because only 8 teachers participated in this study.
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