

主題關鍵詞:經驗取樣法特質狀態情緒壓力Experience sampling methodologyTraitStateEmotionStress
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在組織行為學研究中,研究者對個體的日常經驗和短期過程越來越感興趣,經驗取樣法為研究這些過程提供了必要的工具。盡管近年來經驗取樣法的研究成果在逐漸增加,但是研究者尤其是國內研究者對該方法在組織行為學研究中所適用的主題并未有整體的認識。通過分析發表在4種組織行為學國際頂級期刊《應用心理學期刊》(Journal of Applied Psychology)、《組織行為學雜志》(Journal of Organizational Behavior)、《人事心理學》(Personnel Psychology)和《組織行為和人的決策過程》(Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes)中最新發表的67篇實證文章,以及國內期刊中相關的7篇成果,發現該方法主要應用在捕捉個體短時或瞬時的狀態和感受,本文將目前運用該方法的前沿研究主題分為四大類,分別為工作感受、工作體驗、工作行為和工作影響。
In organizational behavior(OB) research, scholars are increasingly interested in the short-term process of individual’s emotion, cognition and behavior. The experience sampling method provides an effective tool for such research topics. While the number of OB research adopting this method is rising, a comprehensive overview is not available so far on the topics suitable for this advanced method. We analyzed 67 empirical articles in four top-tier OB international journals(including Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Personnel Psychology, and Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes), and seven Chinese articles. The results revealed the experience sampling method was mainly adopted to study short-term or transient variables of individual’s current state of mind and emotions. The main research topics could be categorized into four types: feelings at work; thoughts at work; work behaviors; and impacts of work on individuals.
1.Mischel, W.、Shoda, Y.(1995)。A cognitive-affective system theory of personality: Reconceptualizing situations, dispositions, dynamics, and invariance in personality structure。Psychological Review,102(2),246-268。  new window
2.Ilies, R.、Wilson, K. S.、Wagner, D. T.(2009)。The spillover of daily job satisfaction onto employees' family lives: The facilitating role of work-family integration。The Academy of Management Journal,52(1),87-102。  new window
3.Bledow, R.、Schmitt, A.、Frese, M.、Kühnel, J.(2011)。The affective shift model of work engagement。Journal of Applied Psychology,96(6),1246-1257。  new window
4.Bolger, Niall、Davis, Angelina、Rafaeli, Eshkol(2003)。Diary methods: Capturing life as it is lived。Annual Review of Psychology,54(1),579-616。  new window
5.Miner, Andrew G.、Glomb, Theresa M.(2010)。State mood, task performance, and behavior at work: A within-persons approach。Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes,112(1),43-57。  new window
6.Spence, J. R.、Ferris, D. L.、Brown, D. J.、Heller, D.(2011)。Understanding daily citizenship behaviors: A social comparison perspective。Journal of Organizational Behavior,32(4),547-571。  new window
7.Ilies, R.、Schwind, K. M.、Wagner, D. T.、Johnson, M. D.、DeRue, D. S.、Ilgen, D. R.(2007)。When can employees have a family life? The effects of daily workload and affect on work-family conflict and social behaviors at home。Journal of Applied Psychology,92(5),1368-1379。  new window
8.Conway, N.、Briner, R. B.(2002)。A daily diary study of affective responses to psychological contract breach and exceeded promises。Journal of Organizational Behavior,23,287-302。  new window
9.Xanthopoulou, D.、Bakker, A. B.、Demerouti, E.、Schaufeli, W. B.(2009)。Work engagement and financial returns: A diary study on the role of job and personal resources。Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology,82(1),183-200。  new window
10.Sonnentag, S.(2003)。Recovery, work engagement, and proactive behavior: A new look at the interface between nonwork and work。Journal of Applied Psychology,88(3),518-528。  new window
11.Lanaj, K.、Johnson, R. E.、Barnes, C. M.(2014)。Beginning the workday yet already depleted? Consequences of late-night smartphone use and sleep。Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes,124(1),11-23。  new window
12.Johnson, R. E.、Lanaj, K.、Barnes, C. M.(2014)。The good and bad of being fair: Effects of procedural and interpersonal justice behaviors on regulatory resources。Journal of Applied Psychology,99(4),635-650。  new window
13.Elliott, E. S.、Dweck, C. S.(1988)。Goals: An Approach to Motivation and Achievement。Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,54(1),5-12。  new window
14.孫旭、嚴鳴、儲小平(2014)。壞心情與工作行為:中庸思維跨層次的調節作用。心理學報,46(11),1704-1718。  延伸查詢new window
15.段錦雲、陳文平(2012)。基於動態評估的取樣法:經驗取樣法。心理科學進展,20(7),1110-1120。  延伸查詢new window
16.李文靜、鄭全全(2008)。日常經驗研究:一種獨具特色的研究方法。心理科學進展,16(1),169-174。  延伸查詢new window
17.羅崢、付俊傑、熊慶秋、張騰月(2012)。情緒調節策略對日常生活事件與情緒體驗關係影響的多層分析。心理科學,35(2),481-486。  延伸查詢new window
18.沈伊默、袁登華(2006)。心理契約破壞研究現狀與展望。心理科學進展,14(6),912-917。  延伸查詢new window
19.田麗麗(2010)。高中生學校生活中的情感體驗:基於日重現法的研究。心理發展與教育,2010(5),473-481。  延伸查詢new window
20.Beal, D. J.、Trougakos, J. P.、Weiss, H. M.、Dalal, R. S.(2013)。Affect spin and the emotion regulation process at work。Journal of Applied Psychology,98(4),593-605。  new window
21.Beck, J. W.、Schmidt, A. M.(2013)。State-level goal orientations as mediators of the relationship between time pressure and performance: A longitudinal study。Journal of Applied Psychology,98(2),354-363。  new window
22.Debus, M. E.、Sonnentag, S.、Deutsch, W.、Nussbeck, F. W.(2014)。Making flow happen: The effects of being recovered on work-related flow between and within days。Journal of Applied Psychology,99(4),713-722。  new window
23.Dragoni, L.、Park, H.、Soltis, J.、Forte-Trammell, S.(2014)。Show and tell: How supervisors facilitate leader development among transitioning leaders。Journal of Applied Psychology,99(1),66-86。  new window
24.Fisher, C. D.、Minbashian, A.、Beckmann, N.、Wood, R. E.(2013)。Task appraisals, emotions, and performance goal orientation。Journal of Applied Psychology,98(2),364-373。  new window
25.Hülsheger, U. R.、Alberts, H. J. E. M.、Feinholdt, A.、Lang, J. W. B.(2013)。Benefits of mindfulness at work: The role of mindfulness in emotion regulation, emotional exhaustion, and job satisfaction。Journal of Applied Psychology,98(2),310-325。  new window
26.Hülsheger, U. R.、Lang, J. W. B.、Depenbrock, F.、Fehrmann, C.、Zijlstra, F. R. H.、Alberts, H. J. E. M.(2014)。The power of presence: The role of mindfulness at work for daily levels and change trajectories of psychological detachment and sleep quality。Journal of Applied Psychology,99(6),1113-1128。  new window
27.Judge, T. A.、Simon, L. S.、Hurst, C.、Kelley, K.(2014)。What I experienced yesterday is who I am today: Relationship of work motivations and behaviors to within-individual variation in the five-factor model of personality。Journal of Applied Psychology,99(2),199-221。  new window
28.Slaughter, J. E.、Cable, D. M.、Turban, D. B.(2014)。Changing job seekers' image perceptions during recruitment visits: The moderating role of belief confidence。Journal of Applied Psychology,99(6),1146-1158。  new window
29.Song, Z. L.、Foo, M. D.、Uy, M. A.、Sun, S. H.(2011)。Unraveling the daily stress crossover between unemployed individuals and their employed spouses。Journal of Applied Psychology,96(1),151-168。  new window
30.Sun, S. H.、Song, Z. L.、Lim, V. K. G.(2013)。Dynamics of the job search process: Developing and testing a mediated moderation model。Journal of Applied Psychology,98(5),771-784。  new window
31.Wang, M.、Liu, S. Q.、Liao, H.、Gong, Y. P.、Kammeyer-Mueller, J.、Shi, J. Q.(2013)。Can't get it out of my mind: Employee rumination after customer mistreatment and negative mood in the next morning。Journal of Applied Psychology,98(6),989-1004。  new window
32.Scott, B. A.、Colquitt, J. A.、Paddock, E. L.、Judge, T. A.(2010)。A daily investigation of the role of manager empathy on employee well-being。Organizational Behavior And Human Decision Processes,113(2),127-140。  new window
33.Huang, J. L.、Ryan, A. M.(2011)。Beyond personality traits: A study of personality states and situational contingencies in customer service jobs。Personnel Psychology,64,451-488。  new window
34.Demerouti, E.、Bakker, A. B.、Sonnentag, S.、Fullagar, C. J.(2012)。Work-related flow and energy at work and at home: A study on the role of daily recovery。Journal of Organizational Behavior,33(2),276-295。  new window
35.Robins, C. J.、Keng, S.-L.、Ekblad, A. G.、Brantley, J. G.(2012)。Effects of mindfulness‐based stress reduction on emotional experience and expression: A randomized controlled trial。Journal of Clinical Psychology,68(1),117-131。  new window
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37.張峰、耿曉偉(2015)。基於日重現法的農村居民幸福感研究:情感體驗的視角。心理與行為研究,13,391-396。  延伸查詢new window
38.張銀普、駱南峰、石偉(20160200)。經驗取樣法--一種收集"真實"數據的新方法。心理科學進展,2016(2),305-316。new window  延伸查詢new window
39.Ceja, L.、Navarro, J.(2011)。Dynamic patterns of flow in the workplace: Characterizing within-individual variability using a complexity science approach。Journal of Organizational Behavior,32,627-651。  new window
40.Fritz, C.、Yankelevich, M.、Zarubin, A.、Barger, P.(2010)。Happy, healthy, and productive: The role of detachment from work during nonwork time。Journal of Applied Psychology,95(2),977-983。  new window
41.Hülsheger, U. R.、Lang, J. W. B.、Schewe, A. F.、Zijlstra, F. R. H.(2015)。When regulating emotions at work pays off: A diary and an intervention study on emotion regulation and customer tips in service jobs。Journal of Applied Psychology,100(2),263-277。  new window
42.Kozlowski, S. W. J.(2009)。Editorial。Journal of Applied Psychology,94,1-4。  new window
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44.Madrid, H. P.、Patterson, M. G.、Birdi, K. S.、Leiva, P. I.、Kausel, E. E.(2014)。The role of weekly high-activated positive mood, context, and personality in innovative work behavior: A multilevel and interactional model。Journal of Organizational Behavior,35(2),234-256。  new window
45.Minbashian, A.、Wood, R. E.、Beckmann, N.(2010)。Taskcontingent conscientiousness as a unit of personality at work。Journal of Applied Psychology,95,793-806。  new window
46.Spector, P. E.、Meier, L. L.(2014)。Methodologies for the study of organizational behavior processes: How to find your keys in the dark。Journal of Organizational Behavior,35,1109-1119。  new window
47.Trougakos, J. P.、Jackson, C. L.、Beal, D. J.(2011)。Service without a smile: Comparing the consequences of neutral and positive display rules。Journal of Applied Psychology,96,350-362。  new window
48.Trougakos, J. P.、Beal, D. J.、Cheng, B. H.、Hideg, I.、Zweig, D.(2015)。Too drained to help: A resource depletion perspective on daily interpersonal citizenship behaviors。Journal of Applied Psychology,100(1),227-236。  new window
49.Wang, M.、Liu, S. Q.、Zhan, Y. J.、Shi, J. Q.(2010)。Daily work-family conflict and alcohol use: Testing the cross-level moderation effects of peer drinking norms and social support。Journal of Applied Psychology,95,377-386。  new window
50.Weiss, H. M.、Rupp, D. E.(2011)。Experiencing work: An essay on a person-centric work psychology。Industrial and Organizational Psychology,4,83-97。  new window
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52.Beal, D. J.、Trougakos, J. P.、Weiss, H. M.、Green, S. G.(2006)。Episodic processes in emotional labor: Perceptions of affective delivery and regulation strategies。Journal of Applied Psychology,91(5),1053-1065。  new window
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59.Judge, T. A.、Ilies, R.、Scott, B. A.(2006)。Work-family Conflict and Emotions: Effects at Work and at Home。Personnel Psychology,59(4),779-814。  new window
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