

書刊名:匯勘北美原住民文學 : 多元文化的省思;黃心雅, 阮秀莉 (編)
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1.Erickson, Kirstin C.(2003)。They Will Come from the Other Side of the Sea: Prophecy, Ethnogenesis, and Agency in Yaqui Narrative。Journal of American Folklore,116(462),465-482。  new window
2.Ortiz, Simon J.(1981)。Towards a National Indian Literature: Cultural Authenticity in Nationalism。MELUS,8(2),7-12。  new window
3.Wiget, Andrew(1996)。Identity, Voice, and Authority: Artist-Audience Relations in Native American Literature。World Literature Today,66,257-263。  new window
4.Leen, Mary(1995)。An Art of Saying: Joy Harjo's Poetry and the Survival of Storytelling。American Indian Quarterly,19(1),1-16。  new window
1.Hogan, Linda(1993)。The Book of Medicines。Minneapolis:Coffee House。  new window
2.Coltelli, Laura(1990)。Winged Words: American Indian Writers Speak。U of Nebraska P。  new window
3.Adamson, Joni(2001)。American Indian Literature, Environmental Justice, and Ecocriticism: The Middle Place。Tucson:The U of Arizona P。  new window
4.Tapahonso, Luci(1993)。Saanii Dahataal: The Women Are Singing。Tucson:U of Arizona P。  new window
5.Tapahonso, Luci(1997)。Blue Horses Rush In。Tucson:U ofArizona P。  new window
6.Ortiz, Simon(1992)。Woven Stone。Tucson:U of Arizona P。  new window
7.Ortiz, Simon(1981)。From Sand Creek: Rising in This Heart Which Is Our America。New York:Thunder's Mouth。  new window
8.Ortiz, Simon(1976)。Going for the Rain: Poems。New York:Harper & Row。  new window
9.Ortiz, Simon(1980)。Fight Back: For the Sake of the People, for the Sake of the Land。Albuquerque:U of New Mexico P。  new window
10.O'Brien, Aileen(1993)。Navaho Indian Myths。New York:Dover。  new window
11.Lorde, Audre(1984)。Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches by Andre Lorde。Freedom, CA:The Crossing Press。  new window
12.Johoda, Gloria(1995)。The Trail of Tears: The Story of the American Indian Removals, 1813-1855。New York:Random House。  new window
13.Hogan, Linda(1996)。Dwellings: A Spiritual History of the Living World。New York:Touchstone。  new window
14.Harjo, Joy、Storm, Stephen(1989)。Secrets from the Center of the World。Tucson:U. of Arizona P。  new window
15.Harjo, Joy、Bird, Gloria(1997)。Reinventing the Enemy's Language。New York:Norton。  new window
16.Harjo, Joy(1996)。The Woman Who the Sky: Poems。New York:Norton。  new window
17.Harjo, Joy(2000)。A Map to the Next World: Poems and Tales。New York:Norton。  new window
18.Harjo, Joy(1997)。She Had Some Horses。New York:Thunder's Mouth Press。  new window
19.Harjo, Joy(2002)。How We Became Human: New and Selected Poems。New York:Norton。  new window
20.Harjo, Joy(1990)。In Mad Love and War。Middletown, CT:Wesleyan UP。  new window
21.DeMallie, Raymond J.(1984)。The Sixth Grandfather: Black Elk's Teachings Given to John G. Neihardt。Lincoln:U of Nebraska P。  new window
22.Harvey, David(1989)。The Condition of Postmodernity: An Enquiry into the Origins of Cultural Change。Blackwell。  new window
23.Lyotard, J.-F.、Bennington, G.、Massumi, B.(1986)。The postmodern condition: A report on knowledge。Manchester:Manchester University Press。  new window
1.Mohanty, Satya P.(2000)。The Epistemic Status of Cultural Identity。Reclaiming Identity: Realist Theory and the Predicament of Postmodernism。Berkeley:U of California P。  new window
2.Schölrr, Bo(1984)。Trickster and Storyteller: The Sacred Memories and True Tales of Gerald Vizenor。Coyote was here: Essays on Contemporary Native American Literary and Political Mobilization。Aarhus:SEKLOS。  new window
3.Erdoes, Richard、Ortiz, Simon(1984)。[American Indian Myths and Legends] Introduction。American Indian Myths and Legends。New York:Pantheon。  new window
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