

作者:江柏煒 引用關係
作者(外文):Chiang, Po-wei
主題關鍵詞:樊守義身見錄城市史建築史P. Louis FanRecollectionsCity historiesArchitectural histories
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     清康熙四十六年(1707年)冬,山西平陽人樊守義(P. Louis Fan, 1682∼1752年),隨耶穌會教士艾遜爵(Jos. Ant. Provana)取道澳門、南洋(雅加達)、南非(好望角)、巴西、葡萄牙、西班牙等地前往義大利。康熙四十八年(1709年),抵達羅馬後,教宗格來孟十一世(Pope Clement XI)接見樊氏,並介紹他入耶穌會。歷經十四年的旅歐遊程,康熙五十九年(1720年),樊氏返回中國。康熙帝隨即親召入覲,詳詢他的遭遇。 康熙六十年(1721年),樊氏震攝於天威,乃回憶其旅歐經歷,寫成《身見錄》以進。本文以羅馬圖書館所藏之樊守義《身見錄》抄本(1721年)為史料,討論他對於南美殖民城市與歐洲城市的觀察與再現,特別是作為東方的天主教徒如何理解這些城市。進一步,本文將從十八世紀初中國皇室與羅馬教會的緊張關係中,來考察樊守義及其《身見錄》所碰觸到的東、西方異質文化的衝突;最後,試圖從文化研究的角度,處理「城市」、「記憶」與「歷史」的理論關係,以及城市史書寫的可能性及限制。
     In the winter of 1707, P. Louis Fan (樊守義, 1682-1752), a Chinese from Shan-hsi P'ing-yang, left for Italy, as the follower of Christian missionary Jos. Ant. Provana (艾遜爵, 1695-1720). The two made their way detoured Macao, Southeast Asia (Djakarta), South Africa (Cape of Good Hope), Brazil, Portugal and Spain. In 1709, after their arrival in Rome, Pope Clement XI granted Fan an audience, later had him introduced into the Society of Jesus (Jesuits). In 1720, after staying and touring around Europe 14 years, Fan finally returned to China. The Emperor K'ang-hsi (康熙帝) called in Fan immediately, and asked about his experience of the European tour. In 1721, Fan recorded his foreign experiences into an oral-history book, "Recollections" (身見錄), to present to K'ang-hsi for His Majesty Highness. The purpose of my paper is to use "Recollections" as primary sources to discuss forth Fan's observations and his presentation of South American colonial cities and European cities. In another word, I want to clear up these cities were understood by an oriental Christian. Furthermore, I will analyze the tension between the Ch'ing Dynasty government and The Roman Catholic Church in 18th century, and to examine cultural conflict between the orient and the occident in the "Recollections". Finally, through the scope of cultural studies, I will deal with the theoretical relation about "cities", "memories" and "histories," and to rethink the possiblily and limitation on historical writing of cities.
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