

作者:邱國勳張金鶚 引用關係
作者(外文):Chiu, Kuo-husnChang,Chin-oh
主題關鍵詞:不良資產資產管理法拍屋銀行拍賣CollateralNon-performing loanNPLAsset management companyAMCForeclosureAuction
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近年來銀行逾期放款總額劇增,連帶使銀行產生處理龐大不動產擔保品之難題。本文目的在對擔保品進行分類並選擇適當處理方式,以減輕銀行損失。文中以個案財務分析模擬方式之結果將擔保品分成三類:若擔保品有二拍前拍定之特徵屬性傾向時,銀行可考慮採法拍處理;若銀行評估擔保品有第三拍拍定者之特徵屬性傾向時,則此類擔保品可採銀行自行委託拍賣處理;若銀行評估擔保品有四拍後拍定者之特徵屬性傾向時,則可考慮讓售給資產管理公司處理。 實證結果發現,二拍前拍定擔保品之特徵屬性可能為非多層或多號使用,或有增建使用,或建物面積持分傾向為中坪數者,或建物類型為普通公寓,或位於市區,或有可點交之屬性者。而第三拍拍定擔保品可能之特徵屬性為位於五樓以上,或非多層或多號使用,建物類型或為普通公寓,位於郊區,或為可點交之屬性者。四拍後拍定之擔保品特徵屬性可能為位於一樓,或有多層或多號使用情形,或建物面積持分為小坪數者,或建物類型為一般大廈,或位於舊市區,或有不可點交之屬性者。因此未來銀行可對不良資產依特徵屬性分類後,再採適當方式處理,較能減少損失並達成促進資金流通與健全金融機構之目標。
Recently, the non-performing loans have become serious problems due to the trouble of the real estate collaterals faced by the financial institutions. This research aims on helping the banks to deal with the collaterals and reduce the loss of banks. According to the financial simulation, the collaterals are divided into three groups: 1.for the collaterals having the characters which the objects sold before the second bid had, the financial institutions could take the way of legal auctions; 2.for the collaterals having the characters which the objects sold on the third bid had, the financial institutions could take auction by themselves; 3.for the collaterals having the characters which the objects sold after the special (fourth) bid had, the financial institutions may consider to sell the, asset management company (AMC). From the empirical results, we found that the characters of the collaterals sold on and before the second bid include single floor use, extension building, city area, supervision unit, and middle space. The characters of the collaterals sold on the third bid include 5-story and higher, rural areas, and supervision unit. The characters of the collaterals sold on and after the special bid include small space, lower-rise apartment, old city, and non-supervision unit. Thus, in the future, the collaterals could be separated by the above three categories and the financial institutions can make the better decision to reduce their loss.
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