

作者:鍾以勇 引用關係
作者(外文):Chung, Yi-yung
主題關鍵詞:知識管理組織學習組織能力競爭優勢知識基礎觀點Knowledge managementKMOrganizational learningOrganizational capabilitiesCompetitive advantageKnowledge-based viewKBV
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In the era of knowledge economy, the business organizations facing the hypercompetitive environment may acquire competitive advantage only through formulating and implementing adequate knowledge management strategies. Accordingly, the primary purposes of this empirical study are: (1) to explore the effects of the impact of KM on organizational performance, (2) to identify the existence of KM strategy types, (3) to discriminate the differences of performances among different KM strategy types, (4) to verify the existence of competitive advantage for the excellent KM strategy type and the sources of this competitive advantage, (5) to explore the relationships among KM, organizational capabilities and performance, (6) to find the impacts of KM strategy types on the relationship between organizational capabilities and competitive advantage, of the healthcare industry in Taiwan. The results indicate that: (1) the effects of KM on organizational performance is positive, (2) there exists 4 KM strategy types, (3) significant performance differences are found among these KM strategy types, (4) the excellent KM strategy possesses competitive advantage, (5) the sources of competitive advantage of this excellent KM strategy include “internal learning”, “external learning”, “incremental learning” and “learning speed”, (6) reinforced by KM, organizational capabilities can lead to positive effect on performance. That is, the role of organizational capabilities is an intervening variable, (7) hospital organizations may acquire competitive advantage only if their organizational capabilities are supported by adequate KM strategy type.
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