

作者:林彩瑜 引用關係
作者(外文):Lin, Tsai-yu
主題關鍵詞:第21.5條爭端解決爭端裁決執行履行審查程序杜哈回合WTODSUArticle 21.5Dispute settlementImplementationCompliance procedureDoha
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1.Monnier, P.(2001)。The Time to Comply with an Adverse WTO Ruling, Promptness within Reason。Journal of World Trade,35(5),825。  new window
2.蕭振寰(20010600)。由歐盟香蕉案認識世界貿易組織的爭端解決制度。進口救濟論叢,18,1-31。  延伸查詢new window
3.Wuger, Daniel(2002)。The Never Ending Story: The implementation phase in the dispute between the EC and the United States on Hormone-treated beef。Law and Policy in International Business,33(4),777。  new window
4.黃立(19980600)。評析世界貿易組織爭端解決機構對荷爾蒙案的裁決。政大法學評論,59,277-288。new window  延伸查詢new window
5.Van Den Broek, N.(2003)。Power Paradoxes in Enforcement and Implementation of World Trade Organization Dispute Settlement Reports, Interdisciplinary Approached and New Proposal。Journal of World Trade,37(1)。  new window
6.Gleason, C. B.、Walther, P. D.(2000)。The WTO Dispute Settlement Implementation Procedures: A System in Need of Reform。Law and Policy in International Business,31。  new window
7.Jackson, J.、Grane, P.(2001)。The Sage Continues: An Updated on The Banana Dispute and Its Procedural Offspring。Journal of International Economic Law,4(3)。  new window
8.Charnovitz, Steve、Kearn, Jason E.(2002)。Adjudicating Compliance in the WTO: A Review of DSU Article 21.5。Journal of International Economic Law,5(2)。  new window
9.Mulvena, M. M.(2001)。Has the WTO Gone Bananas? How the Banana Dispute has Tested the WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism。New England International and Comparative Law Annul,7。  new window
10.Rhodes, S. A.(2000)。The Article 21.5/22 Problem: Clarification Through Bilateral Agreements?。Journal of International Economic Law,3(3)。  new window
11.Salas, M.、Jackson, J.(2000)。Procedural Overview of the WTO EC-Banana Dispute。Journal of International Economic Law,3(1)。  new window
12.Valles, C. M.、McGivern, B. P.(2000)。The Right to Retaliate under the WTO Agreement, The 'Sequencing' Problem。Journal of World Trade,34(2)。  new window
1.Mavroidis, P. C.(2002)。Proposals for Reform of Article 22 of the DSU: Reconsidering the 'Sequencing' Issue and Suspension of Concessions。沒有紀錄。  new window
2.Pauwelyn, J.(2002)。Proposals for Reforms of Article 21 of the DSU。沒有紀錄。  new window
1.林彩瑜(1999)。瓜地馬拉課徵墨西哥波特蘭水泥反傾銷稅案。沒有紀錄。  延伸查詢new window
2.黃立、林彩瑜(1999)。世貿爭端機制就第三國與歐體間反傾銷案件裁決之研究。沒有紀錄。new window  延伸查詢new window
1.Jackson, J.(2000)。The WTO Dispute Settlement Understanding: Misunderstandings on the Nature of Legal Obligation。The Jurisprudence of GATT & The WTO, Insights on Treaty Law and Economic Relations。沒有紀錄。  new window
2.黃立、李貴英、林彩瑜(2002)。WTO國際貿易法論。臺北:元照出版有限公司。new window  延伸查詢new window
3.Stewart, T. P.、Dwyer, A. S.。Handbook on WTO Trade Remedy Disputes。Handbook on WTO Trade Remedy Disputes。沒有紀錄。  new window
1.European Communities-Regime for the Importation, Sale and Distribution of Bananas,沒有紀錄。  new window
2.Australia-Measures Affecting Importation of Salmon,沒有紀錄。  new window
3.Australia-Measures Affecting Importation of Salmon-Recourse by Canada to Article 22.2 of the DSU,沒有紀錄。  new window
4.Australia-Subsidies Provided to Producers and Exporters of Automotive Leather-Recourse to Article 21.5 of the DSU by the United States,沒有紀錄。  new window
5.Canada-Patent Protection of Pharmaceutical Products,沒有紀錄。  new window
6.Canada-Measures Affecting the Export of Civilian Aircraft,沒有紀錄。  new window
7.EC-Beef Hormones-Status Report by the European Communities,沒有紀錄。  new window
8.Hauser, H.,Zimmermann, T. A.(2003)。The Challenge of Reforming in the WTO Dispute Settlement Understanding,沒有紀錄。  new window
9.UNCTAD(2003)。Dispute Settlement, Implementation and Enforcement,沒有紀錄。  new window
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