

作者:姜翠芬 引用關係
作者(外文):Jiang, Tsui-fen
主題關鍵詞:加拿大原住民保留區姊妹們湯姆森海威納納布希搗蛋鬼賓果種族認同Native CanadiansThe rez sistersTomson HighwayNanabushThe tricksterBingoIdentity
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1.梁一萍(20050100)。夜地誌異:再現原民鬼魅。中外文學,33(8)=392,45-68。new window  延伸查詢new window
2.Mckenzie, Kristen(1996)。Positive Values: The Figure of the Trickster as a Catalyst for Community in Selected Works by Sheila。Watson and Tomson Highway MAI,34(3),976。  new window
3.阮秀莉(20050100)。靈視之旅與變形傳奇:鄂翠曲的原住民神靈詩學初探。中外文學,33(8)=392,21-44。new window  延伸查詢new window
4.黃心雅(20050100)。創傷、記憶與美洲歷史之再現:閱讀席爾珂《沙丘花園》與荷岡《靈力》。中外文學,33(8)=392,69-105。new window  延伸查詢new window
5.Enrigth, Robert(1992)。Tomson Highway with Robert Enright。Border Crossing,1(4),22-27。  new window
6.Johnston, Denis W.(1990)。Lines and Circles: The "Rez" Plays of Tomson Highway。Canadian Literature,124/125,254-264。  new window
7.Lane, Richard J.(2003)。Performing Gender: First Nations, Feminism & Trickster Writing in Eden Robinson's Monkey Beach。The Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies,9(1),161-171。  new window
8.Perkins, Lina(2002)。Remembering the Trickster in Tomson Highway’s The Rez Sisters。Modern Drama,45(2),259-269。  new window
9.Preston, J.(1992)。Weesageechak Begins to Dance: Native Earth Performing Arts, Inc.。Drama Review,36(1),135-159。  new window
10.Rabillard, Sheila(1993)。Absorption, Elimination, and the Hybrid: Some Impure Questions of Gender and Culture in the Trickster Drama of Tomson Highway。Essays in Theatre,12(1),3-27。  new window
11.Usmiani, Renate(1995)。The Bingocentric Worlds of Michael Tremblay and Tomson Highway: Les Belles-Soeurs vs. the Rez Sisters。Canadian Literature,144,126-140。  new window
12.Wigston, Nancy(1989)。Nanabush in the City。Books in Canada,18(2),7-9。  new window
1.Gilbert, Helen、Tompkins, Joanne(1996)。Post-colonial Drama: Theory, Practice, Politics。Routledge。  new window
2.Fanon, Frantz(1963)。The Wretched of the Earth。London:Penguin。  new window
3.Sollors, Werner(1989)。The Invention of Ethnicity。New York:Oxford University Press。  new window
4.Wolff, Janet(1995)。Resident Alien: Feminist Cultural Criticism。New Haven:Cambridge:Yale UP:Polity。  new window
5.Furniss, Elizabeth(1999)。The Burden of History: Colonialism and the Frontier Myth in Rural Canaidan Community。Vancouver:UBC P。  new window
6.Gilbert, Helen(2001)。Postcolonial Plays: An Anthology。Routledge。  new window
7.Highway, Tomson(1988)。The Rez Sisters。Calgary, AB.:Fifth House。  new window
8.Law, Kevin(1990)。Canada: Places and Peoples of the World。New York:Chelsea。  new window
9.McKenzie, James E.(1999)。Turn of the Century: Canada 100 Years Ago。Canada:Detselig。  new window
1.Hall, Stuart(1996)。Cultural Identity and Diaspora。Contemporary Postcolonial Theory: A Reader。London:Arnold。  new window
2.Moran, Daniel(1997)。An Overview of The Rez Sisters。Drama for Students。  new window
3.Singh, Amrtjit(1994)。[Memory, Narrative, and Identity: New Essays in Ethnic American Literatures] Introduction。Memory, Narrative, and Identity: New Essays in Ethnic American Literatures。Boston:Northeastern UP。  new window
4.Dirlik, A.(1996)。The postcolonial aura: Third world criticism in the age of global capitalism。Contemporary Postcolonial Theory: A Reader。London:Arnold:Oxford UP。  new window
5.Bhabha, Homi K.(1990)。Interrogating Identity。Anatomy of Racism。Minneapolis:U of Minnesota P.。  new window
6.Brace, Albert(1996)。Nanabush's Return: Cultural Messianism in Tomson Highway's Plays。Changing Representations of Minorities East and West: Selected Essays。Honolulu, Hawaii:U of Hawaii P.。  new window
7.Frideres, James S.(1998)。Indigenous Peoples of Canada and the United States of America: Entering the 21st Century。Images of Canadianness: Visions on Canada’s Politics, Culture, Economics。Ottowa, Ont.:U of Ottawa P.。  new window
8.Innes, Christopher(1998)。Dreams of Violence: Moving beyond Colonialism in Canadian and Caribbean Drama。Theatre Matters: Performance and Culture on the World Stage。Cambridge:Cambridge UP。  new window
9.Krapat, Arnold(2000)。Postcolonialism, Ideology, and Native American Literature。Postcolonial Theory and the United States: Race, Ethnicity, and Literature。Jackson:UP of Mississippi。  new window
10.Morgan, William(1992)。The Trickster and Native Theater: An Interview with Tomson Highway。Aboriginal Voices: Amerindian, Inuit, and Sami Theater。Baltimore:Johns UP。  new window
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