

作者:董達 引用關係
主題關鍵詞:公無渡河箜篌引擬作接受美學期待視野Gong Wu Du HeReception AestheticsHorizon of expectationIndeterminacy
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The poem ”Gong Wu Du He” in China and Korea's literary history is subject to great attention; also, the poem has been used as the theme with numerous poets from the Southern and Northern Dynasties to the Qing Dynasty, and even in Chosun. This phenomenon indicates that the poem, with its characteristics and importance, has no boundaries and has its far-reaching influence to China and Korea's poets. However, as the original poem and background of the story left many queries, the related literary studies are often limited to the author, origins, the time and place of production, background, structure, symbolic meaning and cultural connotations of the work. Scholars so far have failed to extend the study of the poem to literary reception activities. There are a lot of the original doubts of ”Gong Wu Du He”, which mean the text is full of ”indeterminacy” or ”blanks”. As the reception aesthetics' point of view, these ”indeterminacy” or ”blanks” have called upon by the function. It will continue to arouse and stimulate the reader's horizon of expectation, and in the process of receiving, through imagination, correction and confirmation, to the uncertain text to fill the blank. That is to say, all poems are the produced in process of dynamic broadcasting, through re-establishment, correction, revision, and rebuilding of the horizon of expectation by ancient poets for generations. Besides, the horizon of expectation would have different meanings in different time, ethnic groups, and environment. Therefore, this study will use the original poem and the simulate poetry of different times of the vertical surface (diachronic), and horizontal surface (synchronic) for a comparative analysis in order to observe different times, which are the changes of horizon of expectation and the track of development, and its acceptance of the situation within the same era.
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