

作者:沈中華 引用關係王健安 引用關係
作者(外文):Shen, Chung-huaWang, Chien-an
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本研究利用台灣上市與上櫃公司長式財務報表(Long Format Financial Report)有關企業向銀行借款的明細,檢驗當今金融機構經營環境的險惡,到底是因為銀行「普遍」對於企業放款的徵信工作未能落實,即所謂「粗心放款者(Careless Lender)」假說;還是由於若干銀行「特定」往來對象是經營不善的企業所造成,即所謂「壞的借款者(Bad Borrowers)假說」。實證結果發現:不管是以放款件數或放款金額統計,當今金融機構經營績效低落,證實較偏向「粗心放款者」假說。因為金融自由化後,銀行家數快速增加,使放款業務競爭加劇,因此在放款條件的審核上各銀行普遍相對變得較為寬鬆,因此逾放增加速度迅速上升,而使銀行經營績效降低。
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10.陳家彬、賴怡洵(20010100)。臺灣地區銀行放款有無擔保之決定因素--Logit模型之實證分析。管理評論,20(1),129-159。new window  延伸查詢new window
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1.沈中華(2001)。貨幣銀行學--全球的觀點。台北:新陸書局。  延伸查詢new window
1.王健安(2001)。不同金融體系與公司治理關係。new window  延伸查詢new window
2.沈中華(1999)。銀行危機形成原因探討。  延伸查詢new window
3.沈中華與王健安(2000)。融資限制對廠商投資的影響。  延伸查詢new window
4.沈中華與王健安(2001)。Do Banks Select their Customers?--從風險資訊結構的觀點探討銀行經營績效與往來企業的關係。  延伸查詢new window
5.沈中華與鄧志豪(2000)。銀行及投資人如何由財務報表偵測地雷公司。  延伸查詢new window
6.李婉慈(2000)。銀行往來關係與公司經營績效及財務危機之關聯性分析。  延伸查詢new window
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8.Billett M. T., J. F. Mark, and A. G. Jon(1995)。The Effect of Lender Identify on a Borrowing Firm’s Equity Return。  new window
9.Ferri, G., T. S. Kang, and I. J. Kim(2001)。The Value of Relationship Banking During Financial Crisis: Evidence from the Republic of Korea。  new window
10.Gorton, G., and F. A. Schmid(1996)。Universal Banking and the Performance of German Firms。  new window
11.Hubbard R. Glenn, Kenneth N. Kuttner, and Darius N. Palia(1999)。Are There Bank-Effects in Borrowers Costs of Fund? : Evidence from a Matched Sample of Borrowers and Bank。  new window
12.Ongena S., D. C. Smith, and D. Michalsen(2000)。Firms and Their Distressed Banks: Lessons from the Norwegian Banking Crisis (1988-1991)。  new window
13.Rajan R. G.(1998)。The Past and Future Of Commercial Banking Viewed through an Incomplete Contract Lens。  new window
14.Shen, Chung-Hua(2001)。Credit-Rationing for Bad Companies in Bad Years- Evidence from Bank Loan Transaction Data。  new window
15.Weinstein D. Y.(1998)。On the Cost of a Bank-Centered Financial Systems: Evidence from the Changing Main Bank Relations in Japan。  new window
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