

作者(外文):Hung, Bao-lien
主題關鍵詞:小團體輔導內在動機情意學習學習方案學習策略學業成績Small group counselingIntrinsic motivationAffective learningLearning programLearning strategyAcademic performance
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國內諸多大學生缺乏學習動力及目標而成為痛苦的學習者,對學習角色缺乏責任感,在這樣的學習歷程中,學習策略的增進及訓練,顯得格外重要。內在動機與情意學習皆為學習策略的重要內容,二者結合的學習方案,有助於激發學習者持續的內在動力,為學習目標負起責任,並從情意學習策略的教導中,強化自主性學習的效果。 本研究之「內在動機與情意學習方案」共由八個單元組成,重點包括培養學習者的內在動力、價值澄清、從興趣的確認中培養良好的學習態度、目標規劃、時間管理、壓力管理及如何專心等內容。本研究以中國醫藥學院中醫系學生為實驗研究對象,採隨機等組前後測實驗設計考驗內在動機與情意學習方案的小團體輔導效果,經由實驗研究發現,此學習方案可以提升整體學習策略的表現,對於學業的表現具有正面的效果,特別在專業科目上得到肯定的支持,此外,參與學習方案之成員回饋意見相當正向,表示比方案能激發學習動機、確定學習目標、建立正確的方向及負起學習責任。根據研究結果提供結論與建議,作為推展學習輔導工作之參考。
Weak learning motivation is one of the major factors leading to inadequate academic performance of college students in Taiwan. The researcher, by means of intrinsically-motivated & cognitive learning program implemented by small group work, intends to help learners to trigger intrinsic motivation, reduce detrimental anxiety, settle life goals, practice time management, and develop personal values as well as positive learning attitude. In the study of Chinese Medicine majors in China Medical College, assigning the subjects randomly to groups and adopting the pretest-posttest design, the researcher found that the program had a favorable impact on facilitating intrinsic learning drive and also on upgrading students' academic achievements. The results justify that the program is an alternative for counselors when attempting to assist students in tackling academic problems.
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