

作者:陳東韋 引用關係温蕙甄 引用關係林晉利 引用關係
作者(外文):Cheng, Tung-weiWen, Huei-jhenLin, Chin-li
主題關鍵詞:強勢網球漸進式肌力Power tennisProgressionMuscle strength
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現今的強勢網球(power tennis)改變了傳統擊球動作,更加強調擊球的速度與破壞力。目前職業選手比賽型態傾向以底線為主,以多拍的來回擊球與多次的折返衝刺,尤其是左右兩側的大角度進攻,發球上網型的選手已較不輕易網前攔截。提升肌力與肌耐力,減少非受迫性失誤,進而提高致勝球的比率,可能是一場比賽勝負的關鍵之一。依據專項運動屬性,培養其核心肌群與整體穩定肌群的訓練,能較有效率的提升運動表現。因此,本文主要目的透過文獻的整理介紹核心肌群訓練,採徒手操作方式進行漸進式訓練法,並以圖示加以說明操作方式與訓練效益,期望能提升國內青少年網球選手在比賽場上的運動表現,並提供教練與選手在訓練時的參考。
Nowadays, power tennis has changed the traditional bat movement, with more emphasis on ball speed and destructive power. Currently, professional game patterns tend to score mainly by shooting a ball back and forth with multiple reentry sprint, especially around large angle, which is more difficult for former type of serve-and-volley player to intercept. Enhancing muscular strength and endurance, reducing unforced errors, and thus improving the ratio of the winning goal might be the key to success. Based on specific needs of the sport, developing the core muscles and overall stability is an effective way to enhance athletic performance. Therefore, the main purpose of this paper was to describe the core muscles training through literature review. Progressive body-weight exercises are also illustrated with images. The goal is to provide reference information for coaches and athletes to improve tennis performance of young athletes in our society.
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