

作者(外文):Su, Fang-yi
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本文以國立科學工藝博物館策劃的「訢心相印:印刷文物」特展為例,探討如何利用藏品規劃特展,如何轉化藏品價值意義,並向外傳遞,讓藏品成為博物館的宣傳大使,溝通的橋樑,藉此探討博物館藏品價值的多元意義與運用。首先針對印刷藏品如何在特展中的選擇與運用,再說明策展理念及構想,如何透過轉化、透過特展建立起藏品與外界溝通的橋樑,再以行銷公關策略宣傳特展,推廣藏品,最後再以問卷調查分析民眾是否了解本特展所要傳遞的資訊、對應策展理念及達成效益,了解印刷藏品經由有系統的規劃、選擇與詮釋之後是否建立了科工館與外界溝通的橋樑,結論摘要如下:一、透過問卷調查的結果,顯示特展在規劃之初所提出的策展理念及行銷策略,都是呈現正面且肯定的結果,透過故事軸線包裝,有系統地選擇藏品以及內容規劃,建立民眾對於印刷產業的基本認識,達到利用藏品規劃特展,透過藏品行銷特展,建立與外界溝通的橋樑。二、本特展共選了科工館藏品 84件,借展文物 50件,透過剖析文物達到科學意涵、科學技術的傳達。透過問卷調查發現受測者參觀本特展最主要原因是「對印刷設計等主題有興趣」,館藏文物確實吸引民眾到館參觀。三、有過半的受測者表示本特展內容難易度適中,有五成的人認為部份了解本特展展示主題之科學意涵。對於推動科普教育的部份有 6成認為有幫助,顯見藉由館藏印刷文物的展出,有助於提升展覽對於民眾之吸引力及展覽內容的理解。
This study took the “Journey of Printing Collections Exhibition” at the NSTM as an example to explore how museum collections were used to interpret their values and meanings for helping visitors to understand their multiple meanings. Firstly, the curatorial ideas and designs of the exhibition and selection of printing collections were described. Besides, marketing strategies and public relations were applied to promote the exhibition. Finally, a survey was conducted to analyse whether visitors knew the conveyed information and curatorial ideas of the exhibition. And beneficial results were also evaluated to see whether by systematic planning, selection, and interpretation of the print collections, visitors can know more about the printing collections of NSTM. The conclusions were described as followed: 1. There were positive and significant results from the curatorial ideas and marketing strategies proposed in the initial stage of the exhibition. Through storylines and systematic selection of collections, visitors can have basic understanding for the printing industry. 2. There were 84 NSTM collections and 50 artifacts borrowed from other museums in this exhibition. The communication for scientific significance and technology was achieved through collection interpretations. The survey showed that the major reason to visit the exhibition was “their interests in subjects related to printing designs.” Clearly, the collections attracted visitors to the Museum. 3. More than half of the interviewees indicated that the contents of this exhibition were moderate, and 50% of the interviewees believed that they partly understood the scientific significance of this exhibition; 60% of the interviewees thought that this exhibition was helpful in promoting popular science education. The results revealed that the exhibition of the printing collections held by NSTM was meaningful in attracting visitors and advancing their understanding of the exhibition contents.
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