

作者(外文):Lin, M. L.Chou, S. S.
主題關鍵詞:傳統式排班自我排班Traditional schedulingSelf-scheduling
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     傳統的由排班者排班,因難以掌握同仁的個別需求,常見在班表公佈後,經常因 休假之排定不符合所需而有換班情形,相對的對排班也易產生不滿意的情緒。而對排班者而 言,除排班時花費時間去佈署上班人力,在班表公佈後亦要花時間去更改換班結果,因此排 班也易帶來壓力與挫折感。基於此,對排班者和被排班者而言,均導致工作滿意度低落、工 作效能下降,因而於民國 84 年 11 月起實施自我排班迄今。由文獻得知自我排班有許多優 點,但均為國外之研究,為瞭解自我排班在本單位實施的成效,故設計問卷表加以測量,結 果顯示有 94% 的同仁認為較能決定自己所需的休假,增加了排班上的自主性; 85% 的同仁 認為實際獲得自己所需的休假機會增加; 而對施行自我排班感到滿意及極滿意達 100%;另 每人每月平均換班頻率由 3.2 次 / 人 / 月到施行自我排班後降為 2.1 次 / 人 / 月;且 其離職率也由 16-20% 降至 10-11%。 此不但增加排班的彈性化,亦可減少要班、排班間的 情緒衝突,促進團體的合作關係及向心力,進而提高工作效能及提高對病患的服務品質。
     Prior to November 1995, traditional manager-driven scheduling was used in our ICU. The head nurse drew up shift duty rosters and staff nurses negotiated changes to accommodate their own needs. This system led to frequent dissatisfaction and frustration, and consumed the head nurse's time. Hence self-scheduling was introduced in Nov. 1995. Overseas articles document numerous advantages for self-scheduling. This study was conducted to determine benefits of and satisfaction with self-scheduling in this case. All staff members wer invited by letter to return a questionnaire. The results showed that 94% of nurses felt they had acquired greater control over their schedules. 85% indicated their opportunities to obtain desired off-duty time had increased. 85% rated their overall satisfaction as excellent and 15% as good. Shift changes were reduced from 3.2 changes per person per month to 2.1. Staff turnover also fell to 10-11%. We suggest that self-scheduling is an effective tool to increase feelings of autonomy, enhance job satisfaction and foster cooperative attitudes among staff nurses.
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