

作者(外文):Chen, Zhi-xiu
主題關鍵詞:建構主義兒童讀經兒童讀經教育ConstructivismReading classics in childhoodReading classics in childhood education
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We cannot completely deny the value of education in reading classics, in terms of “Either-Or”, but we can review its rationality of its theory and practice from another point of view. This paper attempts to take the view of constructivism, which is currently employed around the world. In contrast to traditional theories of education, constructivism emerges as a new paradigm which originated in Dewey's pragmatism. Constructivism identifies knowledge that is not really objectively independent beyond learning about being, which is a constant recognizing or reconstructing of experience. Apparently, the main views of constructivism stand opposite the main theories of reading classics education in childhood, because it advocates the importance of reciting, but ignores the importance of comprehension. Furthermore, it identifies knowledge as independent beyond learning about being, and consequently tends to learn through external implantation. Birefly, this paper attempts to critique domestic education in reading classics during childhood, in terms of constructivism, by documents analysis, and provides some suggestions. The findings of this paper are as follows: reading classics education in childhood neglects learning about being, placing particular stress on memory and neglecting the process of comprehension. The classics, which are full of philosophy, are not suitable for children. The suggestions of this paper are as follows: the contents of reading classics education in childhood should not have excessive restrictions; pedagogy should emphasize the process of comprehension in students; and moral pedagogy should consider the psychology of learning in children.
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