

題名:Mandarin Verbal Semantics : a Corpus-Based Approach
作者:劉美君 引用關係
作者(外文):Liu, Mei-chun
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1.Liu,Mei-chun、Huang,Chu-ren、Lee,Charles、Lee,Ching-yi(20000200)。When Endpoint Meets Endpoint: A Corpus-based Lexical Semantic Study of Mandarin Verbs of Throwing。International Journal of Computational Linguistics & Chinese Language Processing,5(1),81-96。new window  new window
2.Atkins, B. T.、Kegl, J.、Levin, Beth(1988)。Anatomy of a Verb Entry: From Linguistic Theory to Lexicographic Practice。International Journal of Lexicography,1,84-126。  new window
3.Biber, D.(1996)。Investigating Language Use Through Corpus-based Analyses of Association Patterns。International Journal of Corpus Linguistics,1(2),171-197。  new window
4.Chang, Li-Li、Chen, Keh-Jiann、Huang, Chu-Ren(1999)。A Lexical-Semantic Analysis of Mandarin Chinese Verbs: Representation and Methodology。Computational Linguistics & Chinese Language Processing,5(1),1-18。  new window
5.Chang, Li-Li、Chen, Keh-Jiann、Huang, Chu-Ren(1999)。Alternation Across Semantic Field: A Study of Mandarin Verbs of Emotion。International Journal of Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing,5(1),61-80。  new window
6.Chen, Keh-Jiann、Huang, Chu-Ren、Chang, Li-Ping(1989)。The Identification of Thematic Roles in Parsing Mandarin Chinese。Journal of Information Science Engineering,5,349-366。  new window
7.Chief,Lian-cheng、Huang,Chu-ren、Chen,Keh-jiann、Tsai,Mei-chih、Chang,Li-li(20000200)。What Can Near Synonyms Tell Us?。International Journal of Computational Linguistics & Chinese Language Processing,5(1),47-59。new window  new window
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11.Levin, Beth、Song, Grave、Atkins, B. T.(1996)。Making Sense of Corpus Data: A Case Study of Verbs of Sound。International Journal of Lexicography,2(1),23-64。  new window
12.Levin, Beth、Song, G.、Atkins, B. T. S.(1997)。Making Sense of Corpus Data: A Case Study of Verbs of Sound。International Journal of Corpus Linguistics,2(1),23-64。  new window
13.Lin, Fu-Wen(1989)。The Verb-Complement Compounds in Mandarin Chinese。Proceedings of 1989 ROCLING,2,251-276。  new window
14.Tsai, Mei-Chih、Huang, Chu-Ren、Chen, Keh-Jiann、Ahrens, Kathleen(1998)。Towards a Representation of Verbal Semantics. Also published in。International Journal of Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing,3(1),61-74。  new window
15.Huang, Chu-ren、Ahrens, Kathleen、Chang, Li-li、Chen, Keh-jiann、Liu, Mei-chun、Tsai, Mei-chi(20000200)。The Module-Attribute Representation of Verbal Semantics: From Semantics to Argument Structure。International Journal of Computational Linguistics & Chinese Language Processing,5(1),19-46。new window  new window
16.Jackendoff, R. S.(1996)。Conceptual Semantics and Cognitive Linguistics。Cognitive Linguistics,7,93-129。  new window
17.Pustejovsky, James(1991)。The syntax of event structure。Cognition: International Journal of Cognitive Science,41(1-3),47-81。  new window
18.Ahrens, Kathleen、Chang, Li-li、Chen, Ke-jiann、Huang, Chu-ren(19980200)。Meaning Representation and Meaning Instantiation for Chinese Nominals。International Journal of Computational Linguistics & Chinese Language Processing,3(1),45-60。  new window
19.Tsao, Feng-Fu(1996)。On Verb Classification in Chinese。Journal of Chinese Linguistics,24(1),138-191。  new window
20.Rosch, Eleanor H.(1973)。Natural categories。Cognitive Psychology,4(3),328-350。  new window
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24.Jackendoff, Ray(1997)。Twistin' the Night Away。Language,73(3),534-559。  new window
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27.Hopper, Paul J.、Thompson, Sandra A.(1980)。Transitivity in grammar and discourse。Language,56(2),251-299。  new window
28.Levin, Beth、Hovav, M. Rappaport(1991)。Wiping the slate clean: A lexical semantic exploration。Cognition,41,123-151。  new window
1.Chang, Claire(1990)。Complex Verbs and Argument Structure: Interaction between Syntax and Morphology。The 2nd Northeast Conference on Chinese Linguistics,(會議日期: 1990/05/04-05/06)。Philadelphia:University of Pennsylvania。  new window
2.Chen, Keh-Jiann、Huang, Chu-Ren、Chang, Li-Ping、Hsu, Hui-Li(1996)。Design Methodology for Balanced Corpora。Proceedings of the 11th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation ()。Seoul, Korea。167-176。  new window
3.Chief, Lian-Cheng、Huang, Chu-Ren、Chen, Keh-Jiann、Tsai, Mei-Chih、Chang, Li-Li(1998)。What Can Near Synonyms Tell Us。The 1998 International Lexical-Functional Grammar Conference。Brisbane。  new window
4.Chinese Knowledge Information Processing Group、Chen, Keh-Jiann、Chang, Li-Li、Huang, Chu-Ren、Hsieh, Ching-Chun(1988)。A Classification of Chinese Verbs for Language Parsing。In Proceedings of 1988 International Conference on Computer Processing of Chinese and Oriental Language。Toronto, Canada。414-417。  new window
5.Her, One Soon(1990)。On the Verb YOU in Mandarin Chinese。The 23rd International conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics。Crane Publishing Co。  new window
6.Huang, Chu-Ren(1990)。Mandarin Double Object Construction and Morphological Rules。The 23rd International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics。University of Texas at Arlington。  new window
7.Huang, Chu-Ren、Mo, Ruo-ping(1992)。Mandarin Ditransitive Construction and the Category of gei。Berkeley:University of California。109-122。  new window
8.Huang, Chu-Ren、Lin, Fu-Wen(1992)。Composite Event Structures and Complex Predicates: A Template-based Approach to Argument Selection。Proceedings of the Third Annual Meeting of the Formal Linguistic Society of Mid America。Bloomington:Indiana University Linguistic Club。90-108。  new window
9.Huang, Chu-Ren、Tsai, Mei-chih(1997)。From Near Synonyms to Event Structure: Corpus-based Studies of Mandarin Verbal Semantics。Paper presented at the Mini-Conference on Lexical Semantics。Graduate Institute of Linguistics. National Chung Cheng University。  new window
10.Huang, Chu-Ren(1998)。Classifying Event Structure Attributes: a Verbal Semantic Perspective from Chinese。The 1998 International Lexical-Functional Grammar Conference。Brisbane。  new window
11.Huang, Chu-Ren、Ahrens, Kathleen(1999)。The Module-Attribute Representation of Verbal Semantics。Taipei:Academia Sinica。1-14。  new window
12.Huang, Chu-Ren、Athens, Kathleen、Chang, Li-Li、Chen, Keh-Jiann、Liu, Mei-Chun、Tsai, Mei-Chih(2001)。The Module-Attribute Representation of Verbal Semantics: From Semantics to Argument Structure119-146。  new window
13.Huang, Shuanfan(1997)。On a Sequentially Sensitive Lexicon。The Mini Conference on Lexical Semantics。Graduate Institute of Linguistics. National Chung-Cheng University。  new window
14.Liu, Mei-Chun(1994)。Conceptual Constraints on Postverbal DE Complement。The 1st Conference on Conceptual Structure, Discourse, and Language。San Diego:University of California。  new window
15.Liu, Mei-Chun and、Hsu, Li-Hui(1994)。中文動詞的處理。Hsinchu, Taiwan。91-110。  new window
16.Liu, Mei-Chun、Huang, Chu-Ren、Lee, Ching-Yi(1999)。Lexical Information and beyond: Constructional Inferences in Semantic Representation。The 13th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation。Taipei。27-38。  new window
17.Liu, Mei-Chun、Huang, Chu-Ren、Chang, Zhi-Ling(1999)。The Locus-Locatum Alternation: A Lexical Semantic Study of Mandarin Verbs of Surface Contact。North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics。Harvard Unversity。  new window
18.Liu, Mei-Chun、Huang, Chu-Ren、Lee, Charles、Lee, Ching-Yi(1998)。When Endpoint Meets Endpoint: A Corpus-Based Lexical Semantic Study of Mandarin Verbs of 'Throwing。IACL-7/NACCL-10。Stanford University。  new window
19.Liu, Mei-Chun(2000)。Categorical Structure and Semantic Representation: Mandarin Verbs of Communication。The 5th Conference on Conceptual Structure, Discourse and Language。Santa Barbara:University of California。  new window
20.Liu, Mei-Chun(2001)。Conceptual Primitives: the Role of "Cause" in Mental Activity Verbs in Mandarin。The 7th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference。Santa Barbara:University of California。  new window
21.Tsai, Mei-Chih、Huang, Chu-Ren、Chen, Keh-Jiann、Ahrens, Kathleen(1997)。Towards a Representation of Verbal Semantics。Hsinchu, Taiwan。34-48。  new window
22.Tsao, Feng-Fu(1994)。On verb classification in Chinese。The 6th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics。  new window
23.Wu, Yi-Ching、Liu, Mei-Chun(2001)。The Semantic Distinction and Information Representation of Psychological Verbs: Xiang, Renwei, Yiwei and Juede-a Corpus Based Analysis。Tainan:National Cheng Kung University。317-336。  new window
24.Huang, Chu-Ren、Liu, Mei-Chun and、Tsai, Mei-Chih(1998)。From Lexical Meaning to Event Structure Attributes: Across Semantic Classes of Mandarin Verbs。The 6th International Conference on Chinese Linguistics。Stanford。  new window
25.Liu, Mei-Chun(1994)。Semantic Schema and Metaphorical Extension: A Study of Mandarin V-R Compounds as a Radial Category。4th International Symposium on Chinese Languages and Linguistics。Taipei:Academia Sinica。462-473。  new window
26.蔡美智、黃居仁、陳克健(1996)。由近義詞辨義標準看語意句法的互動。臺北:國立政治大學。167-180。  延伸查詢new window
1.Liu, Mei-Chun(1996)。A Pilot Study on Chinese Verb Classes and Alternations (計畫編號:NSC85-2418-H-009-003)。  new window
1.Chang, Shen-Min(1994)。V-qi-lai Constructions in Mandarin Chinese: A Study of Their Semanitcs and Syntax(碩士論文)。National Tsing Hua University,Hsinchu。  new window
2.張郇慧(1991)。Interaction between Syntax and Morphology: A Case Study of Mandarin Chinese(博士論文)。University of Hawaii。  new window
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2.Ahrens, Kathleen、Huang, Chu-Ren and、Tsai, Mei-Chih(1999)。漢語動詞語義研究論文集 I。Taipei:Academia Sinica。  延伸查詢new window
3.Chang, Li-Li、Chen, Keh-Jiann、Huang, Chu-Ren(1999)。A Lexical-Semantic Analysis of Mandarin Chinese Verbs: Representation and Methodology。Working Papers on Chinese Verbal Semantics 1。Taipei:Academia Sinica. Also。  new window
4.Chang, Li-Li、Chen, Keh-Jiann、Huang, Chu-Ren(1999)。Alternation Across Semantic Field: A Study of Mandarin Verbs of Emotion。Working Papers on Chinese Verbal Semantics 1。  new window
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6.Chen, Keh-Jiann、Huang, Chu-Ren、Chang, Li-Ping(1989)。The Identification of Thematic Roles in Parsing Mandarin Chinese。Proceeding of ROCLNG II。  new window
7.Chinese Knowledge Information Processing Group、Chen, Keh-Jiann、Chang, Li-Li、Huang, Chu-Ren、Hsieh, Ching-Chun(1993)。中文詞類分析。Taipei:Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica。  new window
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11.Huang, Chu-Ren、Chang, Li-Ping、Ahrens, Kathleen、Chen, Chao-Ran(1999)。The Interaction of Lexical Semantics and Constructional Meanings。Chinese Languages and Linguistics。Taipei:Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica。  new window
12.Huang, Chu-Ren、Liu, Mei-Chun、Tsai, Mei-Chih(1999)。From Lexical Meaning to Event Structure Attributes: Across Semantic Classes of Mandarin Verbs。Working Papers on Chinese Verbal Semantics。Taipei:Academia Sinica。  new window
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16.Liu, Mei-Chun(1996)。Conceptual Manipulation and Semantic Distinction: the Case of Mandarin Postverbal DE Complement。Conceptual Structure, Discourse, and Language。Stanford:CSLI。  new window
17.Liu, Mei-Chun(1997)。Conceptual Basis and Categorial Structure: A Study of Mandarin V-R Compounds as a Radial Category。Chinese Languages and Linguistics。Taipei:Academia Sinica。  new window
18.Liu, Mei-Chun、Huang, Chu-Ren、Chang, Zhi-Ling(1999)。The Locus-Locatum Alternation: A Lexical Semantic Study of Mandarin Verbs of Surface Contact。North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics, Harvard University。Taipei:Crane Publishing Co。  new window
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