

作者:吳秀照 引用關係
作者(外文):Wu, Shiou-chao
主題關鍵詞:身心障礙者工作就業就業需求社會模式醫療模式The disabled personsWorkEmploymentEmployment needsSocial modelMedical model
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This paper explores the meaning of ‘work’ and ‘employment’ and argues that ’work’ is the basic right of people to live in society. However, the development of industrial society has transformed ‘work’ into ‘employment’, narrowly defines the value of ‘work’ only by participating in the labor market and measures workforce in economic calculation. The competitive labor market, therefore, has excluded many people with disabilities from participating in social and economic activities, and has deprived their rights to work. Two perspectives - the ‘medical model’ and ‘social model’ view employment barriers that people with disabilities face in the labor market differently and therefore, adopt different strategies. This paper argues that when the rights to work of the disable persons have to be realized in the labor market, according to the perspective of ‘social model’, it is the responsibilities of the government and the society to remove the barriers of the labor market, to flexibly readjust the production means, to expand and create work opportunities for them. Another concerned issue in this article is to explore the employment difficulties and barriers that the disabled persons encountered and discusses the policy implications. Based on the survey research of ‘The Employment Needs of the People with Disabilities in Taichung County, Taiwan’, which was held between July, 2003 and April, 2004, the research discovered that there were more than 30 % of the interviewees expressed their willingness to work but got no chance. Also, people with different types of disabilities faced different barriers. Employment discrimination and the lack of sufficient social support are major problems which have significantly created social barriers for people with disabilities to realize their work potentials. This paper also suggests some policy issues to be further discussed.
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