

主題關鍵詞:內穩態自發概念迷思想法常識常識理解電學概念∼SD0.5 SB steady stateSponteneous conceptionMisconceptionCommon senseCommonsensicalUnderstandingElectricity
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     科學教有學者常將「迷思想法」(misconceptions)歸因於常識,但對常識 的意義及本質卻持兩極化的不同見解。一個未經定義的詞彙不具有詮釋力;如果 要以常識解釋「迷思想法」,則常識意義的於清是極為重要的工作。本文從科學 教有、社會心理學、以及哲學的觀點,探討常識的本質,進而由控制論的角度, 將常識定義為「社會化的內穩態」。根據這個定義,推論出三個關於「迷思想法」 的命題,並以基本電學概念的理解,檢視這些主張的合適性。根據這個新的定義, 本文也討論常識對於科學教有的意涵。
     The source of "misconceptions" are always attributed to common sense by scienceeducation researchers. Ironically, there are polarized conceptions of common sense. Aterm is without explanatory power if we do not know what it refers to. It is necessary todefine what is common sense before we use it to interpret anything. The present study investigates the nature of common sense in the light of social psychology and philosophy. And according to the viewpoint of quantum theory and systemtheory, common sense is defined as a collection of "socialized internal steady states".Three propositions are further formulated based upon the definition, and empiricallyverified in terms of the understandings of electricity. Finally, several implications of common sense in science education are discussed.
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