

作者(外文):Kwan, Carlo
主題關鍵詞:誘導性想念存有想念純求知欲整體視域指望Heuristic notionNotion of beingPure desire to knowTotal horizonAnticipation
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郎尼根在存有的議題上分辨「存有」的「想念」(Notion)、「概念」(Concept)、「觀念」(Idea)。「想念」又名「誘導性想念」(Heuristic Notion),意謂尚未完全知悉一被意向之對象內容而企圖圓滿地把握它。若放在「存有」的前提上,「存有想念」一辭則意謂純求知欲指望著整體視域。郎尼根從中分別凸顯其「客體面」、「主體面」、「整體面」、「核心面」與「困惑面」以企圖對「存有想念」作一較詳細的提示。
Concerning one's knowledge of Being, Lonergan differentiates three perspectives: the Notion, the Concept and the Idea of Being. The term “notion” is also known as “heuristic notion”, meaning one's attempt to fully apprehend the content of an object not yet completely known. In the context of Being, the term “Notion of Being” conveys the meaning of one's pure desire to know anticipating a Total Horizon which includes everything about everything. From this Supreme Heuristic Notion, Lonergan further emphasizes its objective, subjective, total, central, as well as its puzzling aspect, so as to enable us to have a deeper appreciation of the whole topic.
1.關永中(19860100)。問題的指望與存有的視域--葛立夫《形上學》第一章釋義。國立臺灣大學哲學論評,9,199-214。new window  延伸查詢new window
2.關永中(19900100)。郎尼根《神學方法》所蘊含的超驗法。國立臺灣大學哲學論評,13,77-141。new window  延伸查詢new window
3.Langlois, Jean(1964)。The Notion of Being according to Lonergan。Continuum,2(3),425-433。  new window
1.Lonergan, B.(1957)。Insight: A study of human understanding。San Francisco:London:New York:Harper & Row:Philosophical Library。  new window
2.Lonergan, Bernard、Morelli, Elizabeth A.、Morelli, Mark D.(1980)。Understanding and Being: An Introduction and Companion to Insight。The Edwin Mellen Press。  new window
3.Tyrrell, Bernard(1974)。Bernard Lonergans Philosophy of God。Dublin:Gill & MacMillan。  new window
4.Heidegger, Martin、Manheim, Ralph(1980)。An Introduction to Metaphysics。Yale University Press。  new window
5.Lonergan, Bernard(1972)。Method in Theology。New York:London:Seabury Press:Herder and Herder:Darton, Longman & Todd。  new window
6.關永中(2002)。知識論(二):近世思潮。臺北:五南出版社。  延伸查詢new window
7.Tracy, David(1970)。The Achievement of Bernard Lonergan。New York:Herder & Herder。  new window
8.Caputo, John D.(1982)。Heidegger and Aquinas: An essay on overcoming metaphysics。New York:Fordham University Press。  new window
9.關永中(1991)。郎尼根的認知理論:《洞察》卷一釋義。臺北:哲學與文化月刊社。new window  延伸查詢new window
10.Lonergan, Bernard J. F.、Crowe, Frederick E.、Doran, Robert M.(1997)。Collected Works of Bernard Lonergan, Vol. 3: Insight: a Study of Human Understanding。Toronto:University of Toronto Press。  new window
1.Lonergan, Bernard(1967)。Insight: Preface to a Discussion。Collection: Papers by Bernard Lonergan。New York:London:Herder and Herder:Darton, Longman & Todd。  new window
2.Richardson, William(1973)。Being for Lonergan: a Heideggerian View。Language, Truth and Meaning: Papers from the International Lonergan Congress 1970。Dublin:Gill & MacMillan。  new window
3.Lonergan, Bernard J. F.(1974)。Insight Revisited。A Second collection。London:Darton, Longman & Todd。  new window
4.Langlois, Jean(1964)。The Notion of Being according to Lonergan。Spirit as Inquiry。  new window
5.Lonergan, Bernard(1968)。Metaphysics as Horizon: a Critique by Bernard J. F. Lonergan。Emerich Coreth, Metaphysics。New York:Herder & Herder。  new window
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