

作者(外文):Lai, Chien-hung
頁次:頁83 - 121
主題關鍵詞:知識程度提示詳解認知負荷學習成就Cognitive loadDetailed answersHintsLearning achievementsKnowledge level
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35.Lai, Chien-Hung、Jong, Bin-Shyan、Hsia, Yen-Teh、Lin, Tsong-Wuu(2020)。Applying Concept Map to Game-Base Concept Assessment。International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies,14(6),159-170。  new window
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2.Luo, I. K.、Lai, C. H.、Lee, C. Y.、Jong, B. S.、Hsia, Y. T.(2013)。A study of a measurement strategy combines the self-assessment and the SPRT algorithm。2013 IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Automation Engineering,IEEE 。  new window
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