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2. | Hall, J. M.、Stevens, P. E.、Meleis, A. I.(1994)。Marginalization: a guiding concept for valuing diversity in nursing knowledge development。Advances in Nursing Science,16(4),23-41。 |
3. | Hughes, L.(1992)。Faculty-student interactions and the student perceived climate for caring。Advances in Nursing Science,14(3),60-71。 |
4. | 蔣欣欣(19910200)。質性研究與護理實務。榮總護理,8(1),91-94。 延伸查詢 |
5. | 李明明(19931000)。人文藝術教育的新路向與法國經驗。當代,90,12-21。 延伸查詢 |
6. | 石元康(19920200)。多神主義的困境﹣﹣現代世界中安身立命的問題。當代,70,16-31。 延伸查詢 |
7. | 余玉眉(1986)。護理理念的演變。護理薪傳,1(4),250-255。 延伸查詢 |
8. | Bevis, E. O.(1993)。All in all, it was a pretty good funeral。Journal of Nursing Education,32(3),101-105。 |
9. | Boer, C.、Moore, C.(1994)。Ecosystemic Thinking in Group Therapy。Group Analysis,27,105-117。 |
10. | Diekelmann, N. L.(1992)。Learning-as-testing: A heideggerian hermeneutical analysis of the lived experiences of students and teachers。Adv Nurs Sci,14(3),72-83。 |
11. | Diekelmann, N. L.(1993)。Spending time with students: Keeping my door open。Journal of Nursing Education,32(4),149-150。 |
12. | Diekelmann, N. L.(1993)。Behavioral pedagogy: A heideggerian hermeneutical analysis of the lived experiences of students and teachers in baccalaureate nursing education。Journal of Nursing Education,32(6),245-250。 |
13. | Hagerty, B. M. K.、Early, S. L.(1992)。The influence of liberal education on professional nursing practice: A proposed model。Adv Nurs Sci,14(3),29-38。 |
14. | Hughes, L.(1993)。Peer Group interactions and the student-perceived climate for caring。Journal of Nursing Education,32(2),78-83。 |
15. | Lamb, G. S.、Huttlinger, K.(1989)。Reflexivity in Nursing Research。Western Journal of Nursing Research,11(6),765-772。 |
16. | Lashley, M.、Wittstadt, R.(1993)。Writing across the curriculum: An integrated curricular approach to developing critical thinking through writing。Journal of Nursing Education,32(9),422-424。 |
17. | Loving, G. L.(1993)。Competence validation and cognitive flexibility: A theoretical model grounded in nursing education。Journal of Nursing Education,32(9),415-421。 |
18. | Swanson, K. M.(1992)。Empirical development of a middle range theory of caring。Nursing Research,40,161-166。 |
19. | Swanson, K. M.(1993)。Nursing as informed caring for the well-being of other。Image: Journal of Nursing Scholarship,25(4),352-357。 |
20. | Smith, M. J.(1992)。Enhancing esthetic knowledge: A teaching strategy。Adv Nurs Sci,14(3),52-59。 |
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