

題名:後冷戰時代美國的亞太戰略 : 從扇形戰略到新太平洋共同體
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10.陳方正(19931000)。論中國民族主義與世界意識。二十一世紀,19,28-35。new window  延伸查詢new window
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16.中共對外經貿研究(19920316)。從美國與中共簽署保護智慧財產權協定看雙方貿易形勢與貿易摩擦問題的發展。中共對外經貿研究,377,12-77。  延伸查詢new window
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35.李文志(19930209)。由「宮澤主義」看日本亞太的外交布局。國家政策雙周刊,53,10-11。  延伸查詢new window
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56.丁永康(19911100)。美國總統布希的「世界新秩序」初探。問題與研究,30(11),25-36。new window  延伸查詢new window
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87.陳鴻瑜(19920700)。後冷戰時期美國之亞太安全政策。美國月刊,7(7)=75,64-71。  延伸查詢new window
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3.中國時報(19960420)。日美高峰會後,東京首次確認安保範圍擴及東協、澳紐周邊。  延伸查詢new window
4.中國時報(19960420)。沖淡安保疑慮,日遣特使赴北京、漢城說明。  延伸查詢new window
5.中國時報(19960619)。保護智慧財產權,中共允許採取四項具體行動。  延伸查詢new window
6.中國時報(19960629)。美眾院轉向支持續惠中共。  延伸查詢new window
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10.白德華(19931115)。中共十四屆三中全會後的經濟戰略新構想。  延伸查詢new window
11.江澤民(19921021)。加快改革開放和現代建設步伐,奪取有中國特色社會主義事業的更大勝利--在中國共產黨第十四次全國代表大會上的報告。  延伸查詢new window
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13.李潔明(19930710)。美為何仍需在亞洲維持強大軍力。  延伸查詢new window
14.阮次山(19930706)。人權標準分歧了。  延伸查詢new window
15.卓南生(19930829)。日本國會辯論聲中,看細川新內閣的內外方針。  延伸查詢new window
16.洪金珠(19951115)。安保體制維持現狀,有待考驗。  延伸查詢new window
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18.胡鞍鋼,康曉光(19940221)。以制度創新根治腐敗。  延伸查詢new window
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21.徐宗懋(19941105)。聯合國安理會常任理事國案,東協讓東京涼了半截。  延伸查詢new window
22.張所鵬,謝孟儒(19940320)。允許軍隊經商容易導致腐敗--專訪大陸學者胡鞍鋼。  延伸查詢new window
23.許介鱗(19930721)。美國對日本大選的影響:自民黨的挫敗正是美國所精心設計而熱切期待的構圖。  延伸查詢new window
24.許介鱗(19930730)。評美國杭廷頓之文明衝突論。  延伸查詢new window
25.許介鱗(19960318)。「中共攻臺論」日本靜觀其變。  延伸查詢new window
26.許慶雄(19951114)。日美安保條約,不能輕言廢除。  延伸查詢new window
27.傅建中(19960619)。智財權談判獲協議,及時化解貿易戰,華府洋溢一片喜氣。  延伸查詢new window
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29.經濟日報(19951023)。走出宏觀調控兩難境地,北京。  延伸查詢new window
30.經濟日報(19960419)。日本積極擴增亞洲輸銷與投資。  延伸查詢new window
31.劉遵義(19931115)。大陸經濟二十一世紀內銷市場掛帥。  延伸查詢new window
32.賴永乾(19950911)。日本安保政策的四個選擇。  延伸查詢new window
33.賴永乾(19951114)。存續安保條約,東京華府另起爐灶。  延伸查詢new window
34.聯合晚報(19950115)。中共決定建兩艘航空母艦。  延伸查詢new window
35.聯合報(19940414)。美日汽車貿易協定成果,柯林頓滿意。  延伸查詢new window
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37.聯合報(19941212)。年底入關希望落空,吳儀直指美國阻撓「復關」。  延伸查詢new window
38.聯合報(19960419)。中共對美日安保宣言有四強調。  延伸查詢new window
39.聯合報(19960420)。美日安保效力,涵蓋東亞與大洋洲。  延伸查詢new window
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46.茅原郁生(19930420)。周邊國を威壓たする中國軍の著實な近代化。  延伸查詢new window
47.產經新聞(19951115)。同盟關係の軸「三重構造」--亞太經濟合作會議安保構想。  延伸查詢new window
48.富山泰(19951017)。日米安保「再定義」にかける米國の狙い。  延伸查詢new window
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50.讀賣新聞(19950115)。中國が空母建造決定。  延伸查詢new window
51.AIT(19930113)。CEA is Concerned about Slowing U.S. Productivity Growth(EPF-322)。  new window
52.AIT(19930218)。The Clinton Economic Program(EPF-406)。  new window
53.AIT(19930712)。U.S., Japan Establish an Economic Framework for New Partnership: U.S.; Joint Statement on U.S.-Japan Agreement July 10(EPF-104)。  new window
54.AIT(19930712)。U.S. Officials Say Framework Deals with Imbalances in World Economy(EPF-106)。  new window
55.AIT(19950510)。State Department Report, Wednesday, May 10(EPF-302)。  new window
56.AIT(19951120)。Osaka Leaders Declaration Puts APEC in ‘Action Phase’(EPF-104)。  new window
57.AIT(19960417)。U.S.-Japan Joint Declaration on Security(EPF-304)。  new window
58.APEC(1989)。APEC Ministerial-Level Meeting -- Joint Statement,Canberra。  new window
59.APEC(1990)。APEC Joint Statement,Singapore。  new window
60.APEC(1991)。APEC Ministerial Meeting -- Joint Statement,Seoul。  new window
61.APEC(1992)。APEC Ministerial Meeting -- Joint Statement,Bangkok。  new window
62.APEC(1992)。Bangkok Declaration on APEC Institution Arrangement。  new window
63.APEC(1993)。APEC Ministerial Meeting -- Joint Statement,Seattle。  new window
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65.APEC(1994)。APEC Ministerial Meeting -- Joint Statement,Jakarta。  new window
66.APEC(1994)。APEC Economic Leaders’ Declaration of Common Resolve,Bogor。  new window
67.APEC(199408)。Achieving the APEC Vision: Free and Open Trade in the Asia Pacific。  new window
68.Aspin, L.(19930326)。Aspin Outlines Future U.S. Defense Strategies(EPF-504)。  new window
69.Aspin, L.(19930329)。Aspin Outlines 94 Clinton Defense Plan(EPF-104)。  new window
70.Aspin, L.(19930513)。Defense Department Report(EPF-404)。  new window
71.Aspin, L.(19930517)。U.S. Faces Four Post-Cold War Security Threats(EPF-104)。  new window
72.Aspin, L.(19930624)。Aspin Assesses Changing Military Force Structure(EPF-412)。  new window
73.Baker, James III(1990)。Democracy is a Practical Tool of Diplomacy(BG-90-30)。  new window
74.Blackwell, J. Kenneth(1993)。Vienna Conference Should Strengthen U.N. Rights Work(EPF-307)。  new window
75.Bush, George(19910206)。Bush Seeks to Inspire Support for Persian Gulf Mission。  new window
76.Bush, George(19920206)。Bush Proposes New Cuts in U.S.-Soviet Force。  new window
77.Carey, Bruce(19930707)。U.S. is Returning More Military Bases to Host Countries(EPF-315)。  new window
78.Christopher, Warren(19930113)。Economy, Defense, Democracy to be U.S. Policy Pillars(EPF-305)。  new window
79.Christopher, Warren(19930114)。Christopher Outlines Clinton Foreign Policy Goals(EPF-405)。  new window
80.Christopher, Warren(19930119)。Clinton Policy Seeks 'Broad, Peaceful Revolution in China’(EPF-216)。  new window
81.Christopher, Warren(19930226)。Clinton Sees Domestic, Foreign Issues as ‘Inseparable’(EPF-508)。  new window
82.Christopher, Warren(19930310)。Christopher Outlines U.S. Foreign Policy Objectives(EPF-303)。  new window
83.Christopher, Warren(19930325)。Christopher Calls MFN ‘Great Tool’ for Dealing with China(EPF-405)。  new window
84.Christopher, Warren(19930615)。Keep World Spotlight on Human Abuse(EPF-207)。  new window
85.Christopher, Warren(1993)。Christopher Calls for NAFTA-APEC-GATT Round ‘triple play’(EPF-411)。  new window
86.Christopher, Warren(19940317)。Secretary of State Christopher Outlines U.S. Policy In Asia(EPF-404)。  new window
87.Christopher, Warren(19950728)。Christopher: U.S. Pursues Four-Part Strategy for Asia-Pacific(EPF-502)。  new window
88.Christopher, Warren(19950801)。Christopher: U.S.-China Relations Still Retain Positive Aspects(EPF-204)。  new window
89.CINCPAC(19931201)。CINCPAC: ‘Cooperative Engagement’ Is U.S. Strategy in Pacific(EPF-304)。  new window
90.Clinton, Bill(19921212)。Clinton Sets Foreign and Domestic Economic Goals(EPF-403)。  new window
91.Clinton, Bill(19930218)。Clinton’s Address to Congress on His Economic Program(EPF-404)。  new window
92.Clinton, Bill(19930219)。President Clinton’s Address to the U.S. Congress on His Economic Program(BG-93-4)。  new window
93.Clinton, Bill(19930224)。President Clinton Lays Out Broad-Based Economic Goals(EPF-304)。  new window
94.Clinton, Bill(19930226)。Clinton Explains His International Economic Program(EPF-505)。  new window
95.Clinton, Bill(19930706)。Clinton: I’m Sending a Message of Asia's Importance(EPF-205)。  new window
96.Clinton, Bill(19930706)。Trade, Security, Democracy Are Theme of Clinton Asia Trip(EPF-209)。  new window
97.Clinton, Bill(19930707)。Work on Framework to Continue, For U.S. and Japanese People(EPF-303)。  new window
98.Clinton, Bill(19930712)。Asian Meeting Produce Progress on Several Fronts(EPF-103)。  new window
99.Clinton, Bill(19930712)。Clinton Says Spread of Nuclear Weapons Must not Replace Cold War(EPF-110)。  new window
100.Clinton, Bill(19930713)。Clinton Says Spread of Nuclear Weapons Must Not Replace Cold War(EPF-110)。  new window
101.Clinton, Bill(19930927)。Clinton: U.S. Committed to Making U.N. Vision A Reality(EPF-103)。  new window
102.Clinton, Bill(1993)。Work on Framework to Continue, for U.S. and Japanese People (Clinton Speech at Waseda University)(EPF-303)。  new window
103.Clinton, Bill(19940131)。Clinton’s State of the Union Message Contains Broad Overview of U.S. Policy(BG-94-2)。  new window
104.Clinton, Bill(19940201)。Clinton: U.S. To Maintain Strong Defense, Renew Leadership Abroad(BG-94-3)。  new window
105.Clinton, Bill(19940504)。Clinton: U.S. Foreign Policy Must be Ready to ‘Risk Error’(EPF-308)。  new window
106.Clinton, Bill(19940526)。Clinton Renews China MFN, Restricts Weapons Imports(EPF-406)。  new window
107.Clinton, Bill(19940702)。Clinton Says 1995 Budget Based On Strong Economic Foundation(EPF-113)。  new window
108.Clinton, B.,Miyazawa(19930712)。Japan Framework Benefits Global Trade(EPF-105)。  new window
109.Clinton, B.,Kim, Young Sam(19930712)。Clinton Reaffirms Intention Not to Reduce Military Presence(EPF-111)。  new window
110.Goh, Chok Tong(19950513)。The China Factor in the World Economy,Beijing。  new window
111.Jeremiah, David E.(19930707)。U.S. Global Strategy Now on Regional Crises(EPF-504)。  new window
112.Kantor, Michael(19930712)。U.S. Issues 1993 Trade Policy Agenda(EPF-107)。  new window
113.Lake, Anthony(1994)。World Democratic, Market Reform Basic U.S. Interest(BG-94-1)。  new window
114.Lake, Anthony(19960308)。Anthony Lake on Use of Force in U.S. Foreign Policy(EPF-510)。  new window
115.Lake, Anthony(19960425)。NSC’s Laker on U.S. Foundation for Post-Cold War World(EPF-406)。  new window
116.Larson, Charles(1992)。U.S. Role is to be ‘Honest Broker’, Not Peacekeeper(EPF-402)。  new window
117.Larson, Charles(1993)。U.S. Forces Protect Economic Interest in the Pacific(EPF-306)。  new window
118.Lord, Winston(19930331)。Lord Lays out 10 Goals U.S. Policy in East Asia(EPF-304)。  new window
119.Lord, Winston(19930506)。U.S. to Maintain 5 Mutual Security Treaties in Asia(EPF-406)。  new window
120.Lord, Winston(19930705)。Lord: Asia Moving from Conflict to Premier Growth Area(EPF-302)。  new window
121.Lord, Winston(19931008)。U.S. Is Strengthening Ties with the New Pacific Community(EPF-508)。  new window
122.Lord, Winston(1993)。Lord Lays Out 10 Goals for U.S. Policy in East Asia(EPF-304)。  new window
123.Lord, Winston(1993)。Lord Visit to Press China on MFN-Relate Concerns(EPF-503)。  new window
124.Lord, Winston(19950705)。Lord: U.S. Seeks to Engage, Not Contain China(EPF-302)。  new window
125.Lord, Winston(19950920)。Lord: U.S. Still Committed to Broad Engagement in East Asia(EPF-303)。  new window
126.Lord, Winston(19951013)。Lord: U.S. Maintains Comprehensive Engagement with China。  new window
127.Lynn, Davis(19930512)。Security Assistance Funds Vital in Post-Cold War Era(EPF-321)。  new window
128.Nye, Joseph S., Jr.(19951213)。Nye: Relations with China a Critical Challenge for the U.S.(EPF-306)。  new window
129.Nye, Joseph S., Jr.(1996)。Former Assistant Secretary of Defense Nye 2/8 Briefing at FPC(EPF-206)。  new window
130.Odessey, Bruce(19930712)。U.S., Japan Agree on Framework for Trade Disputes(EPF-107)。  new window
131.Perry, William(19960213)。Perry: Preventive Defense in Asia-Pacific Rests on 4 Pillars(EPF-204)。  new window
132.Perry, William(19960306)。Perry Sees China Ties Central to Asian Security(EPF-306)。  new window
133.Albright, Madeleine(19930115)。Nominee for U.S. Ambassador to the U.N.(BG-93-1)。  new window
134.Albright, Madeleine(19930923)。U.S. Working to Strengthen U.N. Peacekeeping Abilities(POL 406)。  new window
135.Bush, George(1992)。Free Trade Network Is Element in Bush Economic Plan (President’s Remark in Detroit)(EPF-404)。  new window
136.Conable, Barber, Jr.,Whitehead, John(1993)。United States and China Relations at a Crossroads,The Atlantic Council of the U.S.:National Committee on U.S.-China Relations。  new window
137.(1992)。Foreign Policy Briefing by Clinton-Gore Advisors(EPF-206)。  new window
138.(19941212)。General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade。  new window
139.Pfaff, William(19910323)。A Dose of Realpolitik in This New Order。  new window
140.Ren, Bian(19960513)。Human Rights: No Action, Big Victory for China。  new window
141.Ren, Yanshi(19960401)。A Comparison of Human Rights in China with those in the United States。  new window
142.Segal, Gerald(19930617)。Universal Human Rights, Bridging Asia and the West。  new window
143.Shattuck, John(19930623)。U.S. Says Vienna Talks May Be Headed Toward Grid-lock(EPF-307)。  new window
144.State Department Report(19950510)。Spratlys and the South China Sea(EPF-302)。  new window
145.The Economist(19921128)。When China Wakes。  new window
146.The Economist(19930515)。Chinese Puzzles。  new window
147.The Economist(19930612)。Human Rights, Never Heard of Them。  new window
148.The Economist(19950729)。Containing China。  new window
149.The Economist(19950729)。China Goes Ballistic。  new window
150.The Economist(19951007)。Japan’s Unspoken Fears。  new window
151.The Economist(19951118)。Why Asia Still Needs America?。  new window
152.(1992)。The Tokyo Declaration on the U.S.-Japan Global Partnership(EPF-506)。  new window
153.Thurow, Lester(1991)。World Economy in the 21st Century and What is Taiwan’s Role?,Taipei。  new window
154.Time(19950814)。So Nice To Be Chatting。  new window
155.Time(19951106)。Yankee Go Home。  new window
156.Tyler, Patrick(19920217)。Pentagon Imagines New Enemies to Fight in the Cold-War Era。  new window
157.Tyson, Laura D’andrea(19930310)。Tyson: Clinton Economic Package Aims to Restore Fairness。  new window
158.Wiedemann, Kent(19950725)。Wiedemann: U.S. Set on Comprehensive Engagement with China(EPF-207)。  new window
159.Xinhua News Agency(19960415)。Rights Accusation Refuted。  new window
160.Zheng, Yongping(19940228)。Clinton’s Asia-Pacific Policy。  new window
161.Lake, Anthony(19931210)。From Containment to Enlargement。  new window
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171.Solomon, Richard H.(1990)。Asian Security in the 1990s: Integration in Economics; Diversity in Defense(EG-90-48)。  new window
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173.Wirth, Timothy(19930603)。U.S. Goal Is Reaffirmation of Human Rights Declaration(EPF-407)。  new window
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