

主題關鍵詞:學生參與學生參與測量學生參與檢測工具文獻評論Student engagementThe measurement of student engagementTools for measuring student engagementLiterature review
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Previous scholars have researched the concept, construct, assessment methods, as well as influencing factors and influencing consequence of the student engagement and have obtained fruitful findings. In order to carry out the research of student engagement within Chinese context, we need to clarify its relevant concepts, re-build its construct with the combination of appropriate theory and big data, create localized measurement tools and facilitate its empirical research, aiming to improve student engagement level.
1.Handelsman, Mitchell M.、Briggs, William L.、Sullivan, Nora、Towler, Annette(2005)。A measure of college student course engagement。Journal of Educational Research,98(3),184-192。  new window
2.Reeve, J.(2013)。How students create motivationally supportive learning environments for themselves: the concept of agentic engagement。Journal of Educational Psychology,105(3),579-595。  new window
3.Shochet, I. M.、Dadds, M. R.、Ham, D.、Montague, R.(2006)。School connectedness is an underemphasized parameter in adolescent mental health: Results of a community prediction study。Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology,35(2),170-179。  new window
4.周子敬(2008)。臺灣地區大專院校學生課程投入量表之探討。智慧科技與應用統計學報,6(2),173-188。  延伸查詢new window
5.Lewis, A. D.、Huebner, E. S.、Malone, P. S.、Valois, R. F.(2011)。Life satisfaction and student engagement in adolescents。Journal of Youth & Adolescence,40(3),249-262。  new window
6.Skinner, E. A.、Wellborn, J. G.、Connell, J. P.(1990)。What it takes to do well in school and whether I've got it: A process and model of perceived control and children's engagement and achievement in school。Journal of Educational Psychology,82(1),22-32。  new window
7.Fredricks, Jennifer A.、Blumenfeld, Phyllis C.、Paris, Alison H.(2004)。School engagement: Potential of the concept, state of the evidence。Review of Educational Research,74(1),59-109。  new window
8.Lawson, M. A.、Lawson, H. A.(2013)。New conceptual frameworks for student engagement research, policy, and practice。Review of Educational Research,83(3),432-479。  new window
9.Kong, Qi-Ping、Wong, Ngai-Ying、Lam, Chi-Chung(2003)。Student Engagement in Mathematics: Development of Instrument and Validation of Construct。Mathematics Education Research Journal,15(1),4-21。  new window
10.劉宇(2012)。學生課程參與的內涵、結構與類型。教育發展研究,2012(2),18-23。  延伸查詢new window
11.Turner, C. J.、Christensen, A.、Kackar-Cam, Z. H.、Trucano, M.、Fulmer, M. S.(2014)。Enhancing Students' Engagement: Report of a3-Year Intervention with Middle School Teachers。American Educational Research Journal,4(25),1-32。  new window
12.Reschly, A. L.、Christenson, S. L.(2006)。Prediction of Dropout Among Students with Mild Disabilities: A Case for Inclusion of Student Engagement Variables。Remedial and Special Education,27,276-292。  new window
13.Cooksather, A.(2007)。Resisting the Impositional Potential of Student Voice Work: Lessons for liberatory Educational Research from Poststructuralist Feminist Critiques of Critical Pedagogy。Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education,28(3),389-403。  new window
14.謝佳叡(20141000)。中學數學實習教師之學生參與概念心像探究。臺灣數學教育期刊,1(2),1-24。new window  延伸查詢new window
15.Finn, Jeremy D.(1989)。Withdrawing From School。Review of Educational Research,59(2),117-142。  new window
16.Schaufeli, Wilmar B.、Salanova, Marisa、González-Romá, Vicente、Bakker, Arnold B.(2002)。The measurement of engagement and burnout: A two sample confirmatory factor analytic approach。Journal of Happiness Studies: An Interdisciplinary Forum on Subjective Well-Being,3(1),71-92。  new window
17.Brozo, W. G.、Shiel, G.、Topping, K.(2008)。Engagement in reading: Lessons learned from three PISA countries。Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy,51(4),304-315。  new window
18.Tinto, Vincent(1975)。Dropout from higher education: A theoretical synthesis of recent research。Review of Educational Research,45(1),89-125。  new window
19.張鈿富(20120300)。大學生學習投入理論與評量實務之探討。高教評鑑,特刊,41-62。new window  延伸查詢new window
20.Kuh, George D.(2009)。The national survey of student engagement: Conceptual and empirical foundations。New Directions for Institutional Research,2009(141),5-20。  new window
21.Rumberger, R. W.、Larson, K. A.(1998)。Student mobility and the increased risk of high school dropout。American Journal of Education,107(1),1-35。  new window
1.金草伊(2014)。北京大學預科韓國學生學習投入研究(碩士論文)。北京大學,北京。  延伸查詢new window
2.孔企平(1999)。數學教學過程中的學生投入及其對學習結果的影響(博士論文)。香港中文大學,香港。  延伸查詢new window
3.姚一玲(2016)。學生主觀幸福感及其對數學成績的影響(博士論文)。華東師範大學,上海。  延伸查詢new window
4.Reimer, E. K.(2015)。Restorative Justice as a Window into Relationships: Student Experiences of Social Control and Social Engagement in Scotland and Canada(博士論文)。University of Ottawa。  new window
5.陳惠珍(2009)。國中生對任課教師自主支持知覺、自主動機與學習投入之關係研究--以數學科為例(碩士論文)。國立彰化師範大學。  延伸查詢new window
1.Wehlage, G. G.、Rutter, R. A.、Smith, G. A.、Lesko, N.、Fernandez, R. R.(1989)。Reducing the Risk: Schools as Communities of Support。Falmer Press。  new window
2.Fredricks, J.、McColskey, W.、Meli, J.、Mordica, J.、Montrosse, B.、Mooney, K.(2011)。Measuring Student Engagement in Upper Elementary through High School: a Description of 21 Instruments。Washington, DC:U. S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance, Regional Educational Laboratory Southeast。  new window
3.Kirsch, I.、De Jong, J.、Lafontaine, D.、McQueen, J.、Mendelovits, J.、Monseur, C.(2001)。Reading for Change: Performance and Engagement across Countries。Paris:Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development。  new window
1.Yazzie-Mintz, E.(2010)。Charting the Path from Engagement to Achievement: A Report on the High School Survey of Student Engagement,Bloomington, IN:Center for Evaluation and Education Policy。  new window
1.Perry, N. E.、Turner, J. C.、Meyer, D. K.(2006)。Classrooms as contexts for motivating learning。Handbook of Educational Psychology。Mahwah, NJ:Erlbaum。  new window
2.Ernest, P.(1989)。The impact of beliefs on the teaching of mathematics。Mathematics teaching: the state of the art。London:Falmer Press。  new window
3.Skinner, E. A.、Pitzer, J. R.(2012)。Developmental dynamics of student engagement, coping, and everyday resilience。Handbook of Research on Student Engagement。New York, NY:Springer Science。  new window
4.Fredricks, J. A.、McColskey, W.(2012)。The measurement of student engagement: A comparative analysis of various methods and student self-report instruments。Handbook of research on student engagement。Springer。  new window
5.Erickson, F.、Shultz, J.(1992)。Students' Experience of the Curriculum。Handbook of Research on Curriculum: A Project of the American Educational Research Association。New York, NY:Macmillan。  new window
6.Newmann, F. M.、Wehlage, G. G.、Lamborn, S. D.(1992)。The significance and sources of student engagement。Student engagement and achievement in American secondary schools。Teachers College Press。  new window
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