

作者(外文):Rongting Hou
主題關鍵詞:關係論精神分析心理治療自身心理學艾滋感染者自身建構與重構PLWHAPsychotherapyRelational PsychoanalysisRestoration of the SelfSelf Psychology
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本研究通過對A組織三名個管師/志願者進行訪談,聚焦於感染者自確診(或初篩陽性)之後「向死而生」(Dying to Live)的生病生活歷程及個管師全程陪伴的介預機制。採用九○年代以來在美國發展的關係論精神分析(relational psychoanalysis)視角,以Kohut 及其後繼者的自身心理學(Self Psychology)作為理論指導,將自身和自客體作為心理治療的關鍵解釋項,在自客體關係的建構與深化中實現對自身由崩解向重構的模型總結,探索關係論視角下感染者自身重構的介預機制。
AIDS, known as “the Black Death in the 20th century”, attracted the world’s attention, because its epidemic situation has extended to the 21st century, and no clear tendency shows it’ll slow down. In Mainland China, there is a widely-spread kind of fear towards AIDS, viz. any close relationship with an infected person, and an unnamable psychological fear. While psychotherapy, aiming at helping people living with HIV/AIDS (referred to as PLWHA), is very much short of professional psychological intervention and theoretical guidelines for its mechanism.
By interviewing three cases of managers/volunteers in Organization A, the study focuses on life histories of illness of the sampled infected people after diagnosis of AIDS (HIV screening positive), and also on the interventional mechanisms of case managers’ full organization. In the perspective of relational psychoanalysis, which developed in the United States since 1990s, and guided by Self Psychology of Kohut and Post-Kohutians, the thesis takes self and self-object as key explanatory terms for the necessary psychotherapeutic intervention, in order to build up a guideline which is good enough to be a symbiotic model of the illness as well as its intervention. Major points of the guideline are from disintegration to restoration in the construction and deepening of self-object relations.
The study proposes a “Dying to Live” model of infected people’s developing self disintegration to restoration as well as the matched interventional mechanisms, a model of multi-spatial-temperal dimensions. In sum, the stories of the chosen infected persons’ own reconstructions show that what we need in our intervention is to focus on psychodynamics in the process of intervention, and a closer relationship construction. In the exploration of interventional mechanisms from these processes of dying to live, our aims shall be on changes of the entire helping system itself. The infected persons need to be placed in full accompany of interventional relationship through support and care of the alleged “case managers,” who can use more appropriate treatments, such as understanding, interpretation and optimal responsiveness on the basis of empathy, to promote adjustment, recovery and reconstruction of themselves via satisfaction of self-object need. The infected persons are indeed in the situation of dying day by day, while they can also achieve competences of dying to live, under conditions of proper intervention.
Finally, as an interventionist, the author finds himself in a vantage point of self-reflection, who can and ought to propose a value-laden concept of relational psychoanalytic therapy for those who are in charge of AIDS governance. In the author’s self-knowledge, this kind of study can not stop only at the mechanism exploration, but instead call for hopes to achieve more theoretical model studies in the future, so as to consummate the more plausible processes for people dying to live.
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