期刊論文1. | 趙世彬、吳世福(19970600)。腦中風患者認知功能障礙之探討。復健醫學會雜誌,25(1),81-90。 延伸查詢 |
2. | 林昭宏、張靖敏、黃茂雄、劉景寬、林永哲(2001)。初次腦中風患者接受住院復健治療後的追蹤研究。物理治療,25(4),196-203。 延伸查詢 |
3. | 林昭宏、劉景寬、林永哲、黃茂雄(19990300)。腦中風患者接受復健治療的臨床資料和功能恢復情況的研究。中華民國物理治療學會雜誌,24(2),29-35。 延伸查詢 |
4. | 李碧娥、林秋菊、鍾信心(19991200)。搭起護理人員與個案間的橋樑--應用學習理論於病人教育。護理雜誌,46(6),110-114。 延伸查詢 |
5. | 廖麗君、林昭宏、朱允慧、劉景寬(200208)。功能獨立量表訪談式問卷於腦中風病人之信度檢定。物理治療,27(4),174-182。 延伸查詢 |
6. | Bosscher, R.、Laurijssen, L.、DeBoer, E.(1993)。Measuring physical self-efficacy in old age。Perceptual Motor Skills,77(2),470。 |
7. | Hamilton, D. M.、Haennel, R. G.(2004)。The relationship of self-efficacy to selected outcomes。Canadian Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing,14(2),23-32。 |
8. | Hellström, Karin、Lindmark, Birgitta、Wahlberg, Birgit、Fugl-Meyer, Axel R.(2003)。Self-efficacy in relation to impairments and activities of daily living disability in elderly patients with stroke: A prospective investigation。Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine,35,202-207。 |
9. | Holahan, C. J.、Holahan, C. K.(1987)。Self-efficacy, social support, and depression in aging: A longitudinal analysis。Journal of Gerontology,42(1),65-68。 |
10. | Lev, E. L.、Owen, S.(1996)。A measure of self-care self-efficacy。Research in Nursing and Health,19,421-429。 |
11. | Long, J. D.、Stevens, K. R.(2004)。Using technology to promote self-efficacy for healthy eating in adolescents。Journal of Nursing Scholarship,56(2),134-139。 |
12. | McCloskey, R.(2004)。Functional and self-efficacy change of patients admitted to geriatric rehabilitation unit。Journal of Advanced Nursing,46(2),186-193。 |
13. | Moore, E. J.(1990)。Using self-efficacy in teaching self-care to the elderly。Holistic Nurse Practice,4(2),22-29。 |
14. | Robinson-Smith, G.(2002)。Self-efficacy and quality of life after stroke。Journal of Neuroscience Nursing,34(2),91-98。 |
15. | Schuster, P.、Waldron, J.(1991)。Gender differences in cardiac rehabilitation patients。Rehabilitation Nursing,16(6),238-253。 |
16. | Schuster, P.、Wright, C.、Tomich, P.(1995)。Gender differences in home programs compared to those in structured cardiac rehabilitation programs。Rehabilitation Nursing,20(2),93-101。 |
17. | Shaw, B. A.、Janevie, M.(2004)。Associations between anticipated support, physical functioning, and education level among a nationally representative sample of older adults。Journal of Aging and Health,16(4),539-561。 |
18. | Siela, D.(2003)。Use of self-efficacy and dyspnea perceptions to predict functional performance in people with COPD。Rehabilitation Nursing,25(6),197-204。 |
19. | Snow, D. L.、Gordon, J. B.(1980)。Social network analysis and intervention with the elderly。The Gerontologist,20,463-467。 |
20. | Tinetti, M. E.、Richman, D.、Powell, L.(1990)。Falls efficacy as a measurement of fear of falling。Journal of Gerontology Psychological Sciences,45(6),239-243。 |
21. | 王瑜欣(20000300)。類風濕性關節炎患者生活品質及其相關因素之探討。長庚護專學報,2,71-95。 延伸查詢 |
22. | 林昭宏、李建宏、黃茂雄、劉景寬、林永哲(20000700)。影響腦中風患者使用長期照護機構的因素。物理治療,25(4),192-200。 延伸查詢 |
23. | 張萃珉、李怡娟(20000800)。社會支持介入措施對居家中風個案身心健康之影響--以宜蘭地區為例。護理研究,8(4),423-434。 延伸查詢 |
24. | Resnick, Barbara、Nigg, Claudio(2003)。Testing a Theoretical Model of Exercise Behavior for Older Adults。Nursing Research,52(2),80-88。 |
25. | Robinson-Smith, G.、Johnston, M. V.、Allen, J.(2000)。Self-care, self-efficacy, quality of life, and depression after stroke。Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,81(4),460-464。 |
26. | Stallones, R. A.、Dyken, M. L.、Fang, H. C. H.、Heyman, A.、Seltser, R.、Stamler, J.(1992)。Epidemiology for stroke facilities planning。Stroke,3,360-371。 |
27. | Woodward, N. J.、Wallston, B. S.(1987)。Age and health care beliefs: Self-efficacy as a mediator of low desire for control。Psychology and Aging,2,3-8。 |
28. | Resnick, B.(2002)。The impact of self-efficacy and outcome expectations on functional status in older adults。Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation,17(4),1-10。 |
29. | 鄭綺、楊小娟、蔡仁貞(20000200)。輕中度和重度肺功能障礙慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者運動自我效能和運動測試結果比較之探討。護理研究,8(1),13-25。 延伸查詢 |
30. | Gecas, V.(1989)。The social psychology of self-efficacy。Annual Review of Sociology,15(2),291-316。 |
31. | 蔣立琦、郭雅雯、林綽娟(20040400)。自我效能之概念分析。護理雜誌,51(2),67-72。 延伸查詢 |
32. | 于博芮、高紀惠(19920600)。中風病人住院期間身心反應社會支持及自我照顧能力之改變的探討。護理雜誌,39(2),67-78。 延伸查詢 |
33. | Cobb, Sidney(1976)。Presidential Address-1976. Social Support as a Moderator of Life Stress。Psychosomatic Medicine,38(5),300-314。 |
34. | Bandura, Albert(1977)。Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavioral change。Psychological Review,84(2),191-215。 |