

作者(外文):Juang, Hu-yu
主題關鍵詞:國小教師自然科教學建構主義教學個案研究Elementary teacherScience teachingConstructivist approachCast study
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     本研究主要目的是在探討一位國小五年級自然科教師,如何應用建構主義教學的理念於實際教學情境中,國小教師是以行動研究的方式,透過自己省思而學習如何將建構主義的教學理念放進自己的教室教學中。所採用的研究方法是質的、非參與觀察法。 本研究的待答問題如下:1、教師對建構主義教學的認知如何?2、教師試行建構主義教學的教學策略如何?3、教師如何引導學習活動?4、教師如何評量學生的學習情形?5、學生的學習情形如何?6、教師的教學成長如何?7、教師在試行建構主義教學策略時,遭遇到哪些困難? 根據待答問題,筆者以教室觀察、問卷調查及訪談等方法蒐集資料,經過整理之後發現,A老師認為建構主義教學的理念是以學生為中心。由學生主動建構自己的概念,而不是把老師整理出來的答案給學生,因而上課時較常採用讓學生預測、解釋、分組實驗、討論和交互辨證的方式,所提的問題大都是開放式的、思考性的,從學生回答的答案中再提出新的問題,給學生的自由度較大,學生之間的互動機會較多、參與度較高。研究結果還發現,在這位老師的建構主義教學中,最重要的是老師提供學生一個安全和愉快的學習環境,讓學生能主動參與學習,同時可以增進學生對於一個現象的解釋能力,能認真的去思考問題。
     The primary purpose of this study was to investigate how an elementary science teacher applied the constructivist approach in her teaching under the context of Chinese Culture. Chinese teachers have an absolute authority over students. There are forty seven fifth graders in one class. The teaching took place in a public school in Taiwan in 1995. This teacher implemented what she knew about the constructivist teaching strategies through her reflection in action. The method of this study is a qualitative approach through non-participation observation noted, interview dialogues, and the, translation of classroom discourses. This study concerned the following problems : 1. What did the teacher know about the constructivist approach? 2. What are the strategies used in her teaching? 3. How did the teacher guide students learning? 4. How did the teacher assess students learning? 5. How did students learn in this teaching? 6. What changes of the teacher over time? 7. What problems did the teacher encounter applying the constructivist approach. The answer in each problem derived from classroom observation, interview dialogues, and classroom discourses. The strategies that the teacher used most frequently in this teaching included the use of prediction, explanation, and group discussion. The teacher used a lot of open-ended questions to stimulate student thinking and used students answers to raise another questions. The most significant feature in this teaching was that the teacher provided a very safe and comfortable learning environment for students to explore their ideas. The findings indicate that the constructivist approach can encourage actively participation of students in their learning. The findings also indicate that constructivist approach can promote students abilities in explanations. The results also showed that under the context of teaching in Chinese culture, it took about four months for the teacher to accept students alternative explanations and not to provide one correct answer to students.
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