

作者:陳嘉新 引用關係
作者(外文):Chen, Jia-shin
主題關鍵詞:後殖民科技研究強客觀性刪節號下對稱性原則後進國Postcolonial science and technology studiesStrong objectivityUnder erasureSymmetry principleLatecomer
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1.Redfield, Peter(2002)。The Half-Life of Empire in Outer Space。Social Studies of Science,32(5/6),791-825。  new window
2.Fan, Fa-ti(20070000)。East Asian STS: Fox or Hedgehog?。East Asian Science, Technology and Society,1(2),243-247。new window  new window
3.傅大為(20121000)。SCOT的新發展與何謂「區域研究」--針對第十三期張國暉文獻評述的兩點意見與澄清。科技、醫療與社會,15,285-289。new window  延伸查詢new window
4.Chen, Jia-shin(20120000)。Rethinking the East Asian Distinction: An Example of Taiwan's Harm Reduction Policy。East Asian Science, Technology and Society,6(4),453-464。new window  new window
5.Lin, Wen-Yuan、Law, John(2014)。A Correlative STS? Lessons from a Chinese Medical Practice。Social Studies of Science,44(6),801-824。  new window
6.瞿宛文(20000300)。全球化與後進國之經濟發展。臺灣社會研究,37,91-117。new window  延伸查詢new window
7.林文源(20121200)。醫療化理論的後進國批判:以臺灣慢性腎病治理的知識、專業與體制轉變為例。臺灣社會學,24,1-53。new window  延伸查詢new window
8.林文源(20141000)。對稱化醫療社會學:STS對健康、醫療與疾病研究的啟發。科技、醫療與社會,19,11-72。new window  延伸查詢new window
9.Verran, Helen(2002)。A Postcolonial Moment in Science Studies: Alternative Firing Regimes of Environmental Scientists and Aboriginal Landowners。Social Studies of Science,32(5/6),729-762。  new window
10.Adams, Vincanne(2002)。Randomized Controlled Crime: Postcolonial Sciences in Alternative Medicine Research。Social Studies of Science,32(5/6),659-690。  new window
11.Kowal, Emma、Radin, Joanna、Reardon, Jenny(2013)。Indigenous Body Parts, Mutating Temporalities, and the Half-Lives of Postcolonial Technoscience。Social Studies of Science,43(4),465-483。  new window
12.Viveiros de Castro, Eduardo(2004)。Perspectival Anthropology and the Method of Controlled Equivocation。Tipití: Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America,2(1),3-22。  new window
13.Harding, Sandra(1995)。'Strong Objectivity': A Response to the New Objectivity Question。Synthese,140(3),331-349。  new window
14.瞿宛文(20070300)。戰後臺灣經濟成長原因之回顧:論殖民統治之影響與其他。臺灣社會研究季刊,65,1-33。new window  延伸查詢new window
15.王振寰(20031200)。全球化與後進國家:兼論東亞的發展路徑與轉型 [演講]。臺灣社會學刊,31,1-45。new window  延伸查詢new window
16.Basalla, George(1967)。The spread of Western science: A three-stage model describes the introduction of modern science into any non-European nation。Science,156(3775),611-622。  new window
17.Marks, Shula(1997)。What is Colonial about Colonial Medicine? And What Has Happened to Imperialism and Health?。Social History of Medicine,10(2),205-219。  new window
18.Harding, Sandra(2009)。Postcolonial and Feminist Philosophies of Science and Technology: Convergences and Dissonances。Postcolonial Studies,12(4),401-421。  new window
19.Tsing, Anna(2000)。Inside the Economy of Appearance。Public Culture,12(1),115-144。  new window
20.Radin, Joanne(2013)。Latent Life: Concepts and Practices of Human Tissue Preservation in the International Biological Program。Social Studies of Science,43(4),484-508。  new window
21.Kuriyama, Shigehisa(1994)。On Knowledge and the Diversity of Cultures: Comment on Harding。Configurations,2(2),337-342。  new window
22.Kimura, Aya Hirata(2012)。Feminist Heuristics: Transforming the Foundation of Food Quality and Safety Assurance System。Rural Sociology,77(2),203-224。  new window
23.Hodges, Sarah(2011)。The Global Menace。Social History of Medicine,25(3),719-728。  new window
24.Fu, Daiwie(2012)。Editor's Note: Past and Future。East Asian Science, Technology and Society,6(4),437-439。  new window
25.Ernst, Wiltraud(2007)。Beyond East and West. From the History of Colonial Medicine to a Social History of Medicine(s) in South Asia。Social History of Medicine,20(3),505-524。  new window
26.Durham, Meenakshi Gigi(1998)。On the Relevance of Standpoint Epistemology of the Practice of Journalism: The Case for "Strong Objectivity"。Communication Theory,8(2),117-140。  new window
27.Cohen, Lawrence(1994)。Whodunit? Violence and the Myth of Fingerprints: Comment on Harding。Configurations,2,343-347。  new window
28.Chen, Tzung-wen(2015)。Global Technology and Local Society: Developing a Taiwanese and Korean Bioeconomy through the Vaccine Industry。East Asian Science, Technology and Society,9(2),167-186。new window  new window
29.Chen, Ruey-lin(2012)。A Voyage to East Asian Theories; or, What Might Make an STS Theory East Asian。East Asian Science, Technology and Society,6(4),465-485。new window  new window
30.Anderson, Warwick(2014)。Making Global Health History: The Postcolonial Worldliness of Biomedicine。Social History of Medicine,27(2),372-384。  new window
31.Anderson, Warwick(2012)。Hybridity, Race, and Science: The Voyage of the Zaca, 1934-1935。Isis,103(2),1934-1935。  new window
32.Anderson, Warwick(2012)。Objectivity and its Discontents。Social Studies of Science,43(4),557-576。  new window
33.Anderson, Warwick(2009)。From Subjugated Knowledge to Subjugated Subjects: Science and Globalization, or Postcolonial Studies of Science?。Postcolonial Studies,12(4),389-400。  new window
34.Anderson, Warwick(2000)。The Possession of Kuru: Medical Science and Biocolonial Exchange。Comparative Studies in Society and History,42(4),713-744。  new window
35.Abraham, Itty、Rajadhyaksha, Ashish(2015)。State Power and Technological Citizenship in India: From the Postcolonial to the Digital Age。East Asian Science, Technology and Society,9(1),65-85。  new window
36.吳嘉苓(2015)。永久屋前搭涼棚:災後家屋重建的建築設計與社會改造。科技、醫療與社會,20,9-73。new window  延伸查詢new window
37.Moore, Aaron Stephen(20140000)。Japanese Development Consultancies and Postcolonial Power in Southeast Asia: The Case of Burma's Balu Chaung Hydropower Project。East Asian Science, Technology and Society,8(3),297-322。new window  new window
38.Chen, Dung-sheng(20150000)。We Have Never Been Latecomers: A Critical Review of High-Tech Industry and Social Studies of Technology in Taiwan。East Asian Science, Technology and Society,9(4),381-396。new window  new window
39.Lin, Wen-yuan、Law, John(20150000)。We Have Never Been Latecomers!? Making Knowledge Spaces for East Asian Technosocial Practices。East Asian Science, Technology and Society,9(2),117-126。new window  new window
40.Anderson, Warwick(20070000)。How Far Can East Asian STS Go? A Commentary。East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal,1(2),249-250。new window  new window
41.Anderson, Warwick(2002)。Introduction: Postcolonial Technoscience。Social Studies of Science,32(5/6),643-658。  new window
42.成令方、吳嘉苓(20050900)。科技的性別政治--理論和研究的回顧。科技、醫療與社會,3,51-112。new window  延伸查詢new window
43.Fu, Daiwie(20071200)。How Far Can East Asian STS Go?: A Position Paper。East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal,1(1),1-14。new window  new window
44.巫毓荃、鄧惠文(20040600)。熱、神經衰弱與在臺日人--殖民晚期臺灣的精神醫學論述。臺灣社會研究季刊,54,61-103。new window  延伸查詢new window
1.Harding, Sandra(2008)。Sciences from Below: Feminisms, Postcolonialities, and Modernities。Durham, NC:Duke University Press。  new window
2.Anderson, Warwick(2006)。Colonial Pathologies: American Tropical Medicine, Race and Hygiene in the Philippines。Durham, NC:Duke University Press。  new window
3.Mrazek, R.(2002)。Engineers of happy land. Technology and nationalism in a colony。Princeton:Princeton University Press。  new window
4.Cooper, F.、Stoler, A. L.(1997)。Tensions of empire: colonial cultures in a Bourgeois world。Berkeley:University of California Press。  new window
5.Gaonkar, Dilip Parameshwar(2001)。Alternative Modernities。Durham:Duke University Press。  new window
6.Ferguson, James(1994)。The Anti-politics Machine: "Development," Depoliticization, and Bureaucratic Power in Lesotho。University of Minnesota Press。  new window
7.Prakash, Gyan(1999)。Another Reason: Science and the Imagination of Modern India。Princeton, NJ:Princeton University Press。  new window
8.Harding, Sandra(2011)。The Postcolonial Science and Technology Studies Reader。Durham, NC:Duke University Press。  new window
9.Fleck, Ludwik、Bradley, Frederick、Trenn, Thaddeus J.(1979)。Genesis and Development of a Scientific Fact。University of Chicago Press。  new window
10.Harding, Sandra(1998)。Is Science Multicultural? Postcolonialisms, Feminisms, and Epistemologies。Indianapolis:Indiana University Press。  new window
11.Anderson, Warwick(2008)。The Collectors of Lost Souls: Turning Kuru Scientists into Whitemen。Johns Hopkins University Press。  new window
12.Turnbull, David(2000)。Masons, Tricksters' and Catographers: Coparative Studies in the Sociology of Scientific and Indigenous Knowledge。Amsterdam, the Netherlands:Harwood Academic Publishers。  new window
13.Harding, Sandra(2015)。Objectivity and Diversity: Another Logic of Scientific Research。Chicago:University of Chicago Press。  new window
14.Gupta, Akhil(1998)。Postcolonial Development: Agriculture in the Making of Moden India。Durham, NC:Duke University Press。  new window
15.Adams, Vincanne、Pigg, Stacy Leigh(2005)。Sex in Development: Science, Sexuality, and Morality in Global Perspective。Durham, NC:Duke University Press。  new window
16.Adams, Vincanne(1998)。Doctors for Democracy: Health Professionals in the Nepal Revolution。Cambridge:Cambridge University Press。  new window
17.Abraham, Itty(1999)。The Making of the Indian Atomic Bomb: Science, Secrecy, and the Postcolonial State。Hyderabad:Orient Longman。  new window
18.Chakrabarty, Dipesh(2000)。Provincializing Europe: Postcolonial Thought and Historical Difference。Princeton University Press。  new window
19.Blumer, Herbert(1969)。Symbolic Interactionism: Perspective and Method。Prentice-Hall。  new window
20.Escobar, Arturo(1995)。Encountering Development: The Making and Unmaking of the Third World。Princeton University Press。  new window
21.Lei, Sean Hsiang-Lin(2014)。Neither Donkey nor Horse: Medicine in the Struggle over China's Modernity。University of Chicago Press。  new window
1.Law, John,Lin, Wen-yuan(2015)。Provincialising STS: Postcoloniality, Symmetry and Method,http://heterogeneities.net/publications/LawLinProvincialisingSTS20151223.pdf。  new window
1.Jasanoff, Sheila(2004)。The Idiom of Co-Production。States of Knowledge: The Co-production of Science and the Social Order。Routledge。  new window
2.Said, Edward W.(1983)。Traveling theory。The World, the Text, and the Critic。Harvard University Press。  new window
3.Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty(1995)。Can the Subaltern Speak?。The Post-Colonial Studies Reader。Routledge。  new window
4.Schiebinger, Londa(2011)。Prospecting for Drugs: European Naturalists in the West Indies。The Postcolonial Science and Technology Studies Reader。Durham, NC:Duke University Press。  new window
5.Nandy, Ashis(1988)。Introduction: Science as a reason of state。Science, Hegemony and Violence: a Requiem for Modernity。Oxford University Press。  new window
6.Hayden, Cori(2011)。Bioprospecting's Representational Dilemma。The Postcolonial Science and Technology Studies Reader。Durham, NC:Duke University Press。  new window
7.Harding, Sandra(2004)。Rethinking Standpoint Epistemology: What Is "Strong Objectivity"?。The Feminist Standpoint Theory Reader: Intellectual and Political Controversies。London:Rouledge。  new window
8.Hall, Stuart(1996)。When was "the Postcolonial"? Thinking at the Limit。The Post-Colonial Question: Common Skies' Divided Horizons。London:Routledge。  new window
9.Brockway, Lucile(2011)。Science and Colonial Expansion: The Role of the British Royal Botanical Garden。The Postcolonial Science and Technology Studies Reader。Durham, NC:Duke University Press。  new window
10.Anderson, Warwick、Adams, Vincanne(2007)。Pramoedya's Chickens: Postcolonial Studies of Technoscience。The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies.。Cambridge, MA:The MIT Press。  new window
11.Anderson, Warwick(2004)。Postcolonial Histories of Medicine。Locating Medical History: The Stories and Their Meanings。Baltimore:The John Hopkins university Press。  new window
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