

作者(外文):Lin, Yeh-ying
主題關鍵詞:創造力教育研究前沿研究集群共被引書目耦合Creativity educationResearch frontResearch clusterCo-citationBibliographic coupling
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12.Beghetto, Ronald A.、Plucker, Jonathan A.、MaKinster, James G.(2001)。Who studies creativity and how do we know?。Creativity Research Journal,13(3/4),351-357。  new window
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15.Hernández-Torrano, D.、Ibrayeva, L.(2020)。Creativity and education: A bibliometric mapping of the research literature (1975-2019)。Thinking Skills and Creativity,35,(100625)1-(100625)17。  new window
16.林巧敏、范蔚敏(20100200)。臺灣地區檔案學文獻計量分析。圖書與資訊學刊,2(1)=72,16-38。new window  延伸查詢new window
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18.Williams, Rich、Runco, Mark A.、Berlow, Eric(2016)。Mapping the themes, impact, and cohesion of creativity research over the last 25 years。Creativity Research Journal,28(4),385-394。  new window
19.吳靜吉、李澄賢、林偉文(2008)。臺灣創造力教育研究之回顧。New Horizons in Education,55(3)。  延伸查詢new window
20.Bereczki, Enikő Orsolya、Kárpáti, Andrea(2018)。Teachers' beliefs about creativity and its nurture: A systematic review of the recent research literature。Educational Research Review,23,25-56。  new window
21.Castillo-Vergara, Mauricio、Alvarez-Marin, Alejandro、Placencio-Hidalgo, Dario(2018)。A bibliometric analysis of creativity in the field of business economics。Journal of Business Research,85,1-9。  new window
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23.Plucker, Jonathan A.(2000)。Positive Approaches to Preventing School Violence: Peace Building in Schools and Communities。NASSP Bulletin,84(614),1-4。  new window
24.Plucker, Jonathan A.、Callahan, Carolyn M.(2014)。Research on giftedness and gifted education: Status of the field and considerations for the future。Exceptional Children,80(4),390-406。  new window
25.Kumar, S.、Mandol, A. K.、Verma, M.(2013)。Citation analysis of journal of creative behaviour: A critical study。International Journal of Information Research,2(3),326-338。  new window
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27.Long, Haiying、Plucker, Jonathan A.、Yu, Qi、Ding, Ying、Kaufman, James C.(2014)。Research productivity and performance of journals in the creativity sciences: A bibliometric analysis。Creativity Research Journal,26(3),353-360。  new window
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29.Plucker, J. A.、Beghetto, R. A.、Dow, G. T.(2004)。Why Isn't Creativity More Important to Educational Psychologists? Potentials, Pitfalls, and Future Directions in Creativity Research。Educational Psychologist,39(2),83-96。  new window
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2.Plucker, Jonathan A.、Makel, Matthew C.(2010)。Assessment of creativity。The Cambridge Handbook of Creativity。Cambridge University Press。  new window
3.Bogilović, S.、Černe, M.(2018)。The intellectual structure and outlooks for individual creativity research: A bibliometric analysis for the period 1950-2016。Individual creativity in the workplace: A volume in explorations in creativity research。Academic Press。  new window
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5.Montuori, A.、Donnelly, G.(2016)。The creativity of culture and the culture of creativity research: The promise of integrative transdisciplinarity。The Palgrave Handbook of Creativity and Culture Research。Palgrave Macmillan。  new window
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