

作者:姜蘭虹 引用關係楊麗秀
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1.姜蘭虹(1978)。Male and Female Out-migration in Taiwan: An Examination of Characteristics and Propensities to Migrate。國立臺灣大學人口學刊,2,60-81。new window  new window
2.蔡宏進(19810300)。臺灣鄉村工業發展對緩和人口外流之影響。臺灣銀行季刊,32(1),153-187。new window  延伸查詢new window
3.黃大洲(19711200)。離村轉業農民之研究。中華農學會報,76,105-115。  延伸查詢new window
4.李文朗(19770100)。都市化與人口遷移--臺灣區域均衡發展計劃的分析研究。社會建設,29,4-13。  延伸查詢new window
5.范珍輝(19740700)。臺北市移民之社會適應問題。國立臺灣大學社會學刊,10,1-30。new window  延伸查詢new window
6.吳聰賢(1973)。農民離村與農業人口之變化。國立臺灣大學農學院研究報告,14(1),119-144。  延伸查詢new window
7.姜蘭虹(19820700)。The Geographical Environment and Out-Migration from Villages in Taiwan。國立臺灣大學理學院地理學系研究報告,11,125-159。  延伸查詢new window
8.江榮吉(1982)。苗栗縣獅潭鄉人口外流問題及農業生產問題的研究。臺灣經濟,63,7-30。  延伸查詢new window
9.蔡宏進(19810600)。戰後臺灣工業發展的空間分佈及人口移動的趨勢。臺北市銀月刊,12(6),25-37。  延伸查詢new window
10.Anthropological Quarterly(1976)。Women in Migration。Anthropological Quarterly, Special Issue,49(1)。  new window
11.Jelin, Elizabeth(1977)。Migration and Labor Force Participation of Latin American omen: The Domestic Servants in the Cities。Signs,3(1),129-141。  new window
12.江玉龍(19760600)。The Dynamic Process of Rural Outmigration--Taking as Example the Rural Regions of Taipei and Taichung。東海學報,17,213-237。new window  new window
13.Lin, Robert(1973)。Sectional Differentials in Mobility in Taiwan。Journal of Sociology, National Taiwan University, Taiwan,11,103-108。  new window
14.Lin, T. L.、Chen, H. H.(19710600)。Rural Labor Mobility in Taiwan。農業經濟半年刊,11,123-148。new window  new window
15.Sudarkasa, Niara(1977)。Women and Migration in Contemporary West Africa。Signs,3(1),178-189。  new window
16.Speare, Alden(1974)。Urbanization and Migration in Taiwan。Economic Development and Cultural Change,22(2),302-319。  new window
17.Tsai, Ching-lung(1982)。Migration and Population Growth of Taipei Municipality。Industry of Free China,57(3),9-25。  new window
18.李棟明(19740600)。臺灣人口性狀別遷移率差異之研究。臺灣文獻,25(2),17-26。new window  延伸查詢new window
19.廖正宏(19771200)。臺灣農村勞力移動之研究。臺灣銀行季刊,28(4),151-191。new window  延伸查詢new window
20.Ravenstein, E. G.(1885)。The Laws of Migration。Journal of the Statistical Society of London,48(2),167-235。  new window
21.張明正(19790500)。Migration Selectivity in Taiwan。國立臺灣大學人口學刊,3,43-68。new window  延伸查詢new window
1.Ariffin, J.(1978)。Industrial development in Peninsular Malaysia and the rural-urban Migration of Women Workers。10th International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences。New Delhi:Session on Women and Development。  new window
2.Chiang, Lan-Hung(1982)。Female Migration to Taipei- Processes and Adaptations。The Role of Women in Population Re-distribution,(會議日期: September 6-9)。Cagliari, Italy。  new window
1.Tsai, Hong-Chin(1977)。The Impact of Internal Migration on Changes in Population Composition in Taiwan: 1969-1974(博士論文)。Brown University。  new window
2.Yin, C. C.(1975)。Migration and Voluntary Associations in Rural and Urban Taiwan: A Study of Group Adaptive Strategies in Social Change(博士論文)。University of Hawaii。  new window
1.行政院經濟設計委員會(1979)。臺灣地區綜合開發計劃。  延伸查詢new window
2.施添福(1982)。臺灣人口移動和雙元性服務部門。臺北:臺灣師範大學地理學系。new window  延伸查詢new window
3.East-West Population Institute(1979)。Woman in the Cities Working Group。Hawaii:EWPI。  new window
4.Strauch, J.(1979)。Chinese Women in Rural Urban Circulation Networks in Hong Kong and Malaysia。Hawaii:Working Group on Women in the Cities, East-West Population Institute。  new window
5.Ware, Helen(1981)。Women, Demography and Development。The Australian National University。  new window
6.Wu, Tsong-shien(1977)。The Value of Children Volume five。Honolulu:East-West Population Institute。  new window
7.Youssef, N.(1979)。Women in Migration: A Third World Focus。Washington:International Center for Research on Women。  new window
1.Fawcett, J.。Women in the Cities of Asia: Female Migration and Urban: Adaptation。  new window
1.李文朗(1978)。臺灣都市化與人口遷移。都市社會發展之研究。臺北:巨流出版社。  延伸查詢new window
2.蔡宏進(1981)。臺灣地區的社會經濟發展與人口變遷。我國社會的變遷與發展。臺北:三民書局。new window  延伸查詢new window
3.廖正宏(1979)。鄉村人口外移對臺灣農村的影響。當前臺灣社會問題。臺北:巨流圖書公司。  延伸查詢new window
4.Gallin, Bernard(1974)。The Integration of Village Migrants in Taipei。The Chinese City between Two Worlds。Stanford:Stanford University Press。  new window
5.陳希煌(1977)。農業勞動力之變動。三十年來之臺灣農業經濟。農復會。  延伸查詢new window
6.Bogue, D.(1969)。Migration: Internal and International。Principles of Demography。New York:Wiley。  new window
7.Heyzer, Noeleen(1982)。From Rural Subsistence to an Industrial Peripheral Work Force: An Examination of Female Malaysian Migrants and Capital Accumulation in Singapore。Women and Development。New York:Praeger。  new window
8.Monk, Janice(1981)。Social Change and Sexual Differences in Rural Migration from Western Puerto Rico。Geographical Essays in Honor of Lucia Harrison。Muncie, IND:CLAG Monograph。  new window
9.Rengert, A. C.(1976)。Some Sociocultural Aspects of Rural Outmigration in Latin America。Geographical. Essays in honor of Lucia Harrison。Muncie, Ind.:CLAG Monograph。  new window
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