

作者:張德銳 引用關係
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1.Weick, K. E.(1982)。Administering education in loosely coupled schools。Phi Delta Kappan,63(10),673-676。  new window
2.Johnston, J. H.(1987)。Values, Culture, and the Effective School。NASSP Bulletin,71(497),79-88。  new window
3.Clark, B. R.(1972)。The organizational saga in higher education。Administrative Science Quarterly,17,178-184。  new window
4.Schein, Edgar H.(1983)。The Role of the Founder in Creating Organizational Culture。Organizational Dynamics,12(1),13-28。  new window
5.Epstein, J. L.、McPartland, J. M.(1976)。The concept and measurement of the quality of school life。American Educational Research Journal,13(1),15-30。  new window
6.Weick, Karl E.(1976)。Educational Organizations as loosely coupled systems。Administrative Science Quarterly,21(1),1-19。  new window
7.Smircich, Linda(1983)。Concepts of culture and organizational analysis。Administrative Science Quarterly,28(3),339-358。  new window
1.Kouzes, J. M.、Caldwell, D. F.、Posner, B. Z.(1983)。Organizational culture: How it is created, maintained, and changed。OD Network National Conference。Los Angeles, California。  new window
2.McGregor, D.(1957)。The human side of enterprise。Fifth Anniversary Convocation of the School of Industrial Management。Cambridge, Mass.:Massachusetts Institute of Technology。  new window
3.Metz, M. H.(1986)。Sources of workers’ subcultures in organizations: A case study of a public school faculty。The 1986 Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association。New York。  new window
4.Reilly, C.(1983)。Corporations, cults, and organizational culture: Lessons from Silicon Valley firms。The Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management。Dallas, Texas。  new window
5.Van Maanen, J.、Barley, S. R.(1983)。Cultural organization: Fragments of a theory。The Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management。Dallas, Texas。  new window
1.Masland, A. T.(1982)。Organizational influences on computer use in higher education(博士論文)。Harvard University,Cambridge。  new window
2.Chang, D.(1989)。Role conflict and role ambiguity among junior high school administrators in Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China(博士論文)。University of Oregon,Eugene。  new window
1.Durkheim, E.(1961)。The elementary forms of religious life。New York:Collier。  new window
2.Gorden, R. L.(1975)。Interviewing: Strategy, techniques, and tactics。Homewood, Ill:The Dorsey Press。  new window
3.Moorhead, G.、Griffin, R. W.(1980)。Organizational behavior。Boston:Houghton Mifflin Company。  new window
4.Shafritz, J. M.、Ott, J. S.(1987)。Classics of organization theory。Chicago, Ill:The Dorsey Press。  new window
5.Vander, J. W.(1988)。The social experience: An introduction to sociology。New York:Random House。  new window
6.Terrence E. D.、Kennedy, A. A.(1982)。Corporate cultures: The rites & rituals of corporate life。Addison-Wesley。  new window
7.Berger, Peter、Luckmann, Thomas(1967)。The Social Construction of Reality: A Treatise in Sociology Knowledge。Garden City, NY:Anchor Books。  new window
8.Spradley, J. P.(1979)。The Ethnographic Interview。Holt, Rinehart and Winston。  new window
9.Getzels, J. W.、Lipham, J. M.、Campbell, R. F.(1968)。Educational administration as a social process: Theory, research, practice。New York:Harper & Row。  new window
10.Kilmann, Ralph H.、Saxton, Mary J.、Serpa, Roy(1985)。Gaining Control of the Corporate Culture。San Francisco, CA:Jossey-Bass。  new window
11.Hellriegal, D.、Slocum, J. W.、Woodman, R. W.(1989)。Organizational behavior。New York:West Publishing Company。  new window
12.Ouchi, William G.(1981)。Theory Z。Reading, MA:Addison-Wesley。  new window
13.林清江(1982)。教育社會學新論--我國社會與教育關係之研究。台北:五南。  延伸查詢new window
14.Halpin, A. W.、Croft, D. B.(1963)。The Organizational Climate of Schools。Chicago, Illinois:Midwest Administration Center of the University of Chicago。  new window
15.McMillan, J. H.、Schumacher, S.(1989)。Research in education: A conceptual introduction。New York, NY:Glenview, III.:Harper Collins:Scott, Foresman & Co.。  new window
16.Argyris, Chris、Schon, Donald A.(1978)。Organizational Learning: A Theory of Action Perspective。Addison-Wesley Publishing Company。  new window
17.Gorton, R. A.(1987)。School leadership and administration: Important concepts, case studies, and simulations。Dubuque, Iowa:Wm. C. Brown Co.。  new window
18.Hofstede, Geert H.(1980)。Culture's consequences: International differences in work-related values。Beverly Hills, California:Sage。  new window
19.Bennis, Warren G.、Nanus, Burt(1985)。Leaders: The Strategies for Taking Charge。Harper & Row。  new window
20.Schein, Edgar H.(1985)。Organizational culture and leadership: A dynamic view。Jossey-Bass。  new window
21.Waller, W.(1967)。The Sociology of Teaching。New York:John Wiley & Sons, Inc.。  new window
22.Schein, Edgar H.(1980)。Organizational Psychology。Prentice Hall Inc.。  new window
23.Peters, Thomas J.、Waterman, Robert H. Jr.(1982)。In Search of Excellence: Lessons from America's Best-Run Companies。Harper & Row Publishers。  new window
24.Hoy, Wayne K.、Miskel, Cecil G.(1987)。Educational Administration: Theory, Research, and Practice。New York:Random House。  new window
25.Kilmann, R. H.、Saxton, M. J.(1983)。The Kilmann-Saxton Culture-Gap Survey。Pittsburgh, PA.:Organizational Design Consultants, Inc.。  new window
1.Spender, J. C.(1983)。Myths, recipes, and knowledge-bases in organizational analysis,Graduate School of Management, University of California at Los Angeles。  new window
1.Bennis, W.(1984)。Transformative power and leadership。Leadership and organizational culture。Chicago:University of Illinois Press。  new window
2.Masland, A.T.(1985)。Organizational culture in the study of higher education。ASHE reader on organization and governance in higher education。Lexington, Mass.:Ginn Press。  new window
3.Miller, S. K.(198503)。Significant achievement gains using the effective schools model。Educational Leadership。  new window
4.Pettigrew, A. M.(1983)。On studying organizational culture。Qualitative methodology。Beverly Hill, Calif.:Sage。  new window
5.Sergiovanni, T. J.(1984)。Leadership as cultural expression。Leadership and organizational culture。Urbana:University of Illinois。  new window
6.Sergiovanni, T. J.(1984)。Cultural and competing perspectives in administrative theory and practice。Leadership and organizational culture。Urbana:University of Illinois。  new window
7.Siehl, C.、Martin, J.(1987)。The role of symbolic management: How can managers effectively transmit organizational culture?。Classics of organizational theory。Chicago, Ill:The Dorsey Press。  new window
8.Sinclair, R. L.(197004)。Elementary school educational environments。National Elementary Principal。  new window
9.Van Maanen, J.(1977)。Experiencing organizations。Organizational careers: Some new perspectives。New York:John Wiley and Sons。  new window
10.Van Maanen, J.、Barley, S. R.(1985)。Cultural organizations: Fragments of a theory。Organizational culture。Beverly Hills, CA:Sage。  new window
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