

作者(外文):Chin, Ming-chiuWang, Sy-feng
主題關鍵詞:人才發展反思挑戰性任務發展性工作打造發展性個別協議Developmental job craftingDevelopmental I-dealsJob challengeReflectionTalent development
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This empirical study aims to verify experience-driven talent development and explore possible talent development paths. The variables primarily consist of developmental elements such as job challenges and reflection, as well as developmental outcomes such as work engagement, work performance, turnover intention, and development potential. Mediating variables from the proactivity research domain, such as developmental job crafting and developmental I-deals, are also considered. The research participants include new recruits on campus nine months after their employment from five companies in China. A cross-sectional questionnaire survey method was used, and a total of 495 valid responses were collected. Statistical methods, including exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and structural equation modeling analysis, were utilized. The research results confirm the positive impact of job challenges and reflection on the concerned criteria, and found that developmental job crafting and developmental I-deals have distinct mediating effects, representing two different talent development paths.
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