

題名:藝術之眼 : 布爾迪厄的藝術社會學理論及其在台灣之量化與質化研究
主題關鍵詞:布迪厄藝術社會學量性研究質性研究Bourdieu, Pierre
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1.朱元鴻(1997)。這隻腳所經驗的階層--美學判斷初探。國科會人文及社會科學研究會刊,10,111-129。  延伸查詢new window
2.Berger, B. M.(1986)。Review Essay: Taste and Domination。American Journal of Sociology,91(6),1445-1453。  new window
3.Bourdieu, P.(1968)。Outline of a Sociological Theory of Art Perception。International Social Science Journal,4,589-612。  new window
4.Bourdieu, P.(1985)。Social Space and the Genesis of Groups。Theory and Society,14(6),723-744。  new window
5.Brubaker, R.(1985)。Rethinking Classical Theory: The Sociological Vision of Pierre Bourdieu。Theory and Society,14,723-744。  new window
6.Brubaker, R.(1989)。Review of Choses Dites。Contemporary Sociology,18(5),783-784。  new window
7.DiMaggio, P.(1982)。Cultural Entrepreneurship in Nineteenth-Century Boston: The Creation of an Organizational Base for High Culture。Media, Culture and Society,4,33-50。  new window
8.DiMaggio, P.(1982)。Cultural Entrepreneurship in Nineteenth-Century Boston. Part 2: The Classification and Framing of American Art。Media, Culture and Society,4,303-322。  new window
9.DiMaggio, P.、Ostrower, F.(1990)。Participation in the Arts by Black and White Americans。Social Forces,68(3),753-778。  new window
10.DiMaggio, P. and Useem, M.(1978)。Social Class and Arts Consumption: The Origins and Consequences of Class Differences in Exposure to Arts in America。Theory and Society,5,141-161。  new window
11.Garnham, N.(1986)。Extended Review: Bourdieu's Distinction。The Sociological Review,34(2),423-433。  new window
12.Holt, D. B.(1997)。Distinction in America? Recovering Bourdieu's Theory of Tastes from Its Critics。Poetics,25,2-3。  new window
13.Honneth, A.(1986)。The Fragmented World of Symbolic Forms: Reflections on Pierre Bourdieu's Sociology of Culture。Theory, Culture and Society,3(3),35-51。  new window
14.Hughes, M.、Peterson, R. A.(1983)。Isolating Cultural Choice Patterns in the U.S. Population。American Behavioral Scientist,26,459-478。  new window
15.Johnston, J.、Baumann, S.(2007)。Democracy versus Distinction: A Study of Omnivorousness in Gourmet Food Writing。The American Journal of Sociology,113(1),165-204。  new window
16.Kane, D.(2003)。Distinction Worldwide? Bourdieu's Theory of Taste in International Context。Poetics,31,403-422。  new window
17.Lizardo, O.(2006)。The Puzzle of Women's "Highbrow" Culture Consumption: Integrating Gender and Work into Bourdieu's Class Theory of Taste。Poetics,34(1),1-23。  new window
18.Lizardo, O.(2008)。The Question of Culture Consumption and Stratification Revisited。Sociologica,2,1-23。  new window
19.Lizardo, O.、Skiles, S.(2008)。Cultural Consumption in the Fine and Popular Arts Realms。Sociology Compass,2(2),485-502。  new window
20.Marsden, P. V.、Reed, J. S.、Kennedy, M. D.、Stinson, K. M.(1982)。American Regional Cultures and Differences in Leisure Time Activities。Social Forces,60,1023-1049。  new window
21.Weeden, Kim A.、Grusky, David B.(2005)。The Case for a New Class Map。American Journal of Sociology,111(1),141-212。  new window
22.Baron, James N.、Bielby, William T.(1980)。Bringing the Firms Back In: Stratification, Segmentation, and the Organization of Work。American Sociological Review,45(5),737-765。  new window
23.Sulkune, P.(1982)。Society Made Visible -- On the Cultural Sociology of Pierre Bourdieu。Acta Sociologica,25(2),103-115。  new window
24.Peterson, Richard A.、DiMaggio, Paul(1975)。From Region to Class, the Changing Locus of Country Music: A Test of the Massification Hypothesis。Social Forces,53,497-506。  new window
25.DiMaggio, Paul J.(1979)。Review essay: On Pierre Bourdieu。American Journal of Sociology,84(6),1460-1474。  new window
26.DiMaggio, Paul(1987)。Classification in art。American Sociological Review,52(4),440-455。  new window
27.Erickson, B. H.(1996)。Culture, Class, and Connections。American Journal of Sociology,102(1),217-251。  new window
28.Mark, Noah P.(2003)。Culture and competition: Homophily and distancing explanations for cultural niches。American Sociological Review,68,319-345。  new window
29.Peterson, Richard A.、Kern, Roger M.(1996)。Changing Highbrow Taste: From Snob to Omnivore。American Sociological Review,61(5),900-907。  new window
30.Lamont, M.、Lareau, A.(1988)。Cultural Capital: Allusions, Gaps and Glissandos in Recent Theoretical Developments。Sociological Theory,6(2),153-168。  new window
31.Bourdieu, P.(1989)。Social Space and Symbolic Power。Sociological Theory,7(1),14-25。  new window
32.許嘉猷(20040900)。布爾迪厄論西方純美學與藝術場域的自主化--藝術社會學之凝視。歐美研究,34(3),357-429。new window  延伸查詢new window
33.曾少千(20020300)。藝術與社會學的交會:哈克與布赫迪厄的自由交流。歐美研究,32(1),45-105。new window  延伸查詢new window
34.蔡淑鈴(20010600)。語言使用與職業階層化的關係:比較臺灣男性的族群差異。臺灣社會學,1,65-111。new window  延伸查詢new window
35.劉維公(20011200)。當代消費文化社會理論的分析架構--文化經濟學(cultural economy)、生活風格(lifestyles)與生活美學(the Aesthetics of Everyday Life)。東吳社會學報,11,113-136。new window  延伸查詢new window
1.簡昌達、許嘉猷(2009)。簡昌達訪談紀錄。臺北:中研院歐美所。  延伸查詢new window
1.Cachin, F.、李瑞媛(2001)。馬內:我畫我看到的。臺北:時報文化出版社。  延伸查詢new window
2.白雪蘭(1990)。台灣早期西洋美術回顧展。臺北:台北市立美術館。  延伸查詢new window
3.林曼麗(2000)。東亞油畫的誕生與開展。臺北:台北市立美術館。  延伸查詢new window
4.林惺嶽(20020000)。中國油畫百年史:二十世紀最悲壯的藝術史詩。臺北:藝術家。new window  延伸查詢new window
5.許嘉猷(2006)。藝術品味與美學距離:教育與階級間之區分或同好?。  延伸查詢new window
6.許嘉猷(2009)。抽刀斷水水更流--從印象至意象。簡昌達油畫創作心靈風景作品集。臺北:台灣伊格森德彩印。  延伸查詢new window
7.黃進龍(2008)。台灣高見--2008黃進龍專題創作展。臺北:台灣藝術家出版社。  延伸查詢new window
8.謝里法(1997)。探索台灣美術的歷史視野。臺北:台北市立美術館。  延伸查詢new window
9.Benjamin, W.(1992)。Illuminations。London:Fontana Press。  new window
10.Bourdieu, P.(1958)。Sociologie de I'Algerie。Paris:Presses Universitaires de France。  new window
11.Bourdieu, P.、Darbel, A.(1990)。The Love of Art: European Art Museums and Their Public。Oxford:Polity Press。  new window
12.Bourdieu, P.、Haacke, H.(1995)。Free Exchange。Oxford:Polity Press。  new window
13.Calhoun, C.、LiPuma, Edward、Postone, Moishe(1993)。Bourdieu: Critical Perspectives。Polity Press。  new window
14.Fowler, B.(1997)。Pierre Bourdieu and Culture Theory: Critical Investigations。London:Sage。  new window
15.Levine, L.(1988)。Highbrow/Lowbrow。Cambridge:Harvard University Press。  new window
16.謝里法(1988)。重塑台灣的心靈。臺北:自由時代。  延伸查詢new window
17.Bourdieu, Pierre、Ferguson, Priscilla Parkhurst(1998)。On television。New Press。  new window
18.Wright, Erik Olin(1997)。Class Counts: Camparative Studies in Class Analysis。Cambridge:Cambridge University Press。  new window
19.Robbins, D.(2000)。Bourdieu and Culture。London。  new window
20.Panofsky, Erwin(1955)。Meaning in the Visual Arts。Doubleday Anchor。  new window
21.Bourdie, Pierre、Johnson, Randal(1993)。The Field of Cultural Production。Cambridge:Polity Press。  new window
22.Shusterman, Richard(1999)。Bourdieu: A Critical Reader。Oxford:Malden, Mass:Blackwell Publishers。  new window
23.Becker, Howard S.(1982)。Art Worlds。University of California Press。  new window
24.Bourdieu, Pierre、Raymond, Gino、Adamson, Matthew、Thompson, John B.(1991)。Language and Symbolic Power。Cambridge, MA:Polity Press。  new window
25.Brubaker, Rogers(1984)。The limits of rationality: An essay on the social and moral thought of Max Weber。London:Geroge Allen & Unwin。  new window
26.Lyotard, Jean-François、Van Den Abbeele, George(1988)。The Differend: Phrases in Dispute。University of Minnesota Press。  new window
27.Bourdieu, Pierre、Emanuel, S.(1996)。The Rules of Art: Genesis and Structure of the Literary Field。Polity Press。  new window
28.Baudrillard, Jean、Poster, Mark(1975)。The Mirror of Production。Telos。  new window
29.林惺嶽(199708)。《渡越驚濤駭浪的臺灣美術》自序。藝術家。new window  延伸查詢new window
30.Bourdieu, Pierre(1984)。Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste。Harvard University Press。  new window
31.Bourdieu, Pierre、Nice, Richard(1977)。Outline of a Theory of Practice。Cambridge:Cambridge University Press。  new window
32.Bourdieu, Pierre、Adamson, Matthew(1990)。In Other Words: Essays Towards a Reflexive Sociology。Stanford University Press。  new window
33.余秋雨(1998)。余秋雨臺灣演講。臺北:爾雅出版社。  延伸查詢new window
34.Baudrillard, Jean(1983)。Simulations。Semiotext。  new window
35.Bourdieu, Pierre、Wacquant, Loïc J. D.(1992)。An invitation to reflexive sociology。Polity Press。  new window
36.Baxandall, Michael(1972)。Painting and Experience in Fifteenth Century Italy: A Primer in the Social History of Pictorial Style。Oxford University Press。  new window
37.Bourdieu, Pierre、Nice, Richard(1990)。The Logic of Practice。Stanford, California:Stanford University Press。  new window
1.C先生,許嘉猷(2009)。C先生訪談紀錄,臺北:中研院歐美所。  延伸查詢new window
1.許嘉猷(2003)。純美學的自由揮灑:白色之幻化律動與瑰麗色塊之浪漫組合。視象與心象:2003蘇憲法作品及創作理念。臺北:世華藝術中心。  延伸查詢new window
2.許嘉猷(2006)。萬物鮮活:淬鍊之極致。王守英畫冊。臺北:國泰世華銀行文化慈善基金會。  延伸查詢new window
3.許嘉猷(2006)。布爾迪厄的藝術之眼:觀賞者之凝視與區分。四分溪論學集:慶祝李遠哲先生七十壽辰。臺北:允晨文化。  延伸查詢new window
4.許嘉猷(2008)。氣韻靈動‧圓融天成:東方意境與台灣高山風情之再現。台灣高見--2008黃進龍專題創作展。臺北:台灣藝術家出版社。  延伸查詢new window
5.許嘉猷(2008)。俗又有力之藝術轉化:台灣俗艷色彩與東方線條之融合與創新。曾郁文薪火相傳畫冊。新竹:台灣交通大學校友總會。  延伸查詢new window
6.謝里法(1999)。塑造文化的造型--台灣的美、台灣的情、台灣的心。台灣美術評論全集:謝里法。臺北:藝術家出版社。  延伸查詢new window
7.DiMaggio, P.(1986)。Cultural Entrepreneurship in 19th Centuiy Boston: The Creation of an Organisational Base for High Culture in America。Media, Culture and Society: A Critical Reader。New York:Sage。  new window
8.Smith, T. W.(1994)。Generational Differences in Musical Preferences。GSS Social Change Report。Chicago, IL:National Opinion Research Center。  new window
9.Wright, E. O.(1999)。Middle Class in Marxist and Weberian Class Analysis。East Asian Middle Classes in Comparative Perspective。Taipei:Academia Sinica。  new window
10.Johnson, R.(1993)。Editor's Introduction。The Field of Cultural Production。Oxford:Polity Press。  new window
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